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Forum Romania Inedit / Carti in limbi straine / Pif Gadget Moderat de 80Inanna, Saw, naid, nch, uncris
Mesaj Pagini: 1 ... 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ... 45
Membru Senior

Inregistrat: acum 15 ani

Nouveau Pif Gadget 15 (10/2005), scan: Danut
Nouveau Pif Gadget 31 (02/2007), rescan: Danut
Nouveau Pif Gadget 32 (03/2007), rescan: Danut
Nouveau Pif Gadget 53 (12/2008), scan: Danut

Pachet corectiv Nouveau Pif Gadget 2004-2008

contine: Pif 01 - pag 054
             Pif 01 - pag 131
             Pif 02 - pag 15
             Pif 02 - pag 99
             Pif 42 - pag 18
             Pif 49 - pag 31
             Pif 49 - pag 32

Cu acesta se incheie seria Nouveau Pif Gadget 2004-2008, teoretic ar mai trebui facut numarul 0, daca il are cineva...

Multumiri celor ce au scanat si/sau retusat: Gem, Stromgul, maga, Zed, Danut, Omer, cien.

[le gasiti si in postul centralizator de la pagina 79 (vezi semnatura)]

Centralizator Nouveau Pif Gadget (2004-2008)
Centralizator Rahan (Editions Lecureux)

pus acum 13 ani
caluseriu calin

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
[ F ] - Pif Gadget 0632 - Mai 1981 - calin

Modificat de caluseriu calin (acum 13 ani)

pus acum 13 ani

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Vaillant 825valy51.rar (124.65 MB)

pus acum 13 ani

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
PG 670 64p complet

PG 6+16p ce lipseau+coperta1 resc.(76p-lipsa2p)p51,52 se repeta-numerotare gresita

Modificat de trackf (acum 13 ani)

Postarile mele/My posts
Postarile mele/Comice

pus acum 13 ani

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Vaillant 826valy51.rar (121.02 MB)

pus acum 13 ani
caluseriu calin

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
[ F ] - Pif Gadget 0633 - Lipsa pag. 1,2,21,22,23,24,63,64

Poate se gaseste cineva sa completeze paginile "jumulite"

Modificat de caluseriu calin (acum 13 ani)

pus acum 13 ani
Membru Puf

Din: Constanta
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Vaillant 705

pus acum 13 ani

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Vaillant 827valy51.rar (120.55 MB)

pus acum 13 ani
caluseriu calin

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
[ F ] - Pif Gadget 0634 - Mai 1981 - calin

Modificat de caluseriu calin (acum 13 ani)

pus acum 13 ani
caluseriu calin

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
[ F ] - Pif Gadget 0635 - Mai 1981 - [...] - calin

Modificat de caluseriu calin (acum 13 ani)

pus acum 13 ani

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Special juliet 78+1p ce lipsea

Postarile mele/My posts
Postarile mele/Comice

pus acum 13 ani

Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Pentru Calin:
Pai tocmai intrebasem la pagina trecuta (89) daca exista pe undeva aceste numere scanate ca sa nu distrug "legatura" mea (facuta cu truda acum foarte multi ani cand eram prin clasa a VII-a...) si deoarece nu mi-au mers linkurile de la pagina 38 pentru numerele astea (vezi mesajele de eroare de mai jos), am presupus ca nu merg deloc.

Download not available
The following download is not available: KB pentru 1235 KB pentru 1236

Ideea e ca daca nu sunt nicaieri o sa fac rost de un bisturiu sa operez "legatura", sa le scanez si sa le uploadez.

pus acum 13 ani

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
V.le journal de...1235 (48p)
V.le journal de...1236 (48p)

(Le gasiti si in lista /pag 38)

1075/1231/1232/1234/1237/1238 sunt incomplete.Daca le ai te rog sa le completezi.

Modificat de trackf (acum 13 ani)

Postarile mele/My posts
Postarile mele/Comice

pus acum 13 ani
caluseriu calin

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
[ F ] - Pif Gadget 0639 - calin

Modificat de caluseriu calin (acum 13 ani)

pus acum 13 ani
Membru Gold

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Vaillant 0529 - 03 Juil 1955

pus acum 13 ani

Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Pentru trackf si Sefistul:
Totoche "Boules Contre Balles"/Vaillant 1075:

For Demongsm:
Vaillant 463

Le-am gasit pe aici mai de mult dar nu mai stiu cui sa-i multumesc.

Modificat de ASAP (acum 13 ani)

pus acum 13 ani
caluseriu calin

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
[ F ] - Pif Gadget 0637 - Juin 1981 [trackf] - calin

Modificat de caluseriu calin (acum 13 ani)

pus acum 13 ani

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Merci si eu ASAP!
Totoche "Boules Contre Balles"/Vaillant 1075:

(Il gasiti si in lista/pag 38)

Modificat de trackf (acum 13 ani)

Postarile mele/My posts
Postarile mele/Comice

pus acum 13 ani

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
PG 16+16p ce lipseau+coperti resc(76p-lipsa p59,60 gadget)

Postarile mele/My posts
Postarile mele/Comice

pus acum 13 ani
caluseriu calin

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
[ F ] - Pif Gadget 0638 - Juin 1981 [trackf] - calin

Modificat de caluseriu calin (acum 13 ani)

pus acum 13 ani

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Thank you Demongsm!

V.le journal de....1163 rescanat (300)

(Il gasiti si in lista /pag 38)

Postarile mele/My posts
Postarile mele/Comice

pus acum 13 ani

Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani

Cele 8 pagini lipsa din 1238:

(contez pe maiestria in finisare a lui calin)

pus acum 13 ani
caluseriu calin

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Multumim ASAP!
L-am preluat si dupa ce fac completarile la PG 633, puse la dispozitie de Universal, o sa rezolv acest V1238, dupa care revin la seria PG 600 unde mai am de scanat si prelucrat

[ F ] - Pif Gadget 0633 - completat [Universal] - calin

Modificat de caluseriu calin (acum 13 ani)

pus acum 13 ani

Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
16p din V1237

pus acum 13 ani

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
16p din V1237
Cele 8 pagini lipsa din 1238:

(Le gasiti si in lista /pag 38)

Postarile mele/My posts
Postarile mele/Comice

pus acum 13 ani

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Prea tarziu.Deja lucram la ele.Eu o sa le postez oricum.Nu e nimic daca le avem de mai multe ori.

PG 27 rescan300+5p ce lipseau+5p refacute(78p complet)

Modificat de trackf (acum 13 ani)

Postarile mele/My posts
Postarile mele/Comice

pus acum 13 ani

Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Me revoila!
completare 1231 - 4p
completare 1234 - 4p

mmm... 1153 special vacances d'ete 1967!

pus acum 13 ani
Membru Gold

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Pif Gadget No. 794.
Full size.
Looking for Vaillant 464-527 and PG 606 and 623!

Modificat de Demongsm (acum 13 ani)

pus acum 13 ani

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Pt wiking12:
Deci cum spuneam eu il postez totusi.Te-as ruga sa pui tousi si varianta lui Universal.Merci!

PG 24+17 ce lipseau+9p resc(74p-lipsa p57-60 gadget)

Modificat de trackf (acum 13 ani)

Postarile mele/My posts
Postarile mele/Comice

pus acum 13 ani

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Vaillant 828valy51.rar (126.87 MB)

pus acum 13 ani
caluseriu calin

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
[ F ] Vaillant le Journal de Pif - 1238 [completat ASAP] - calin

Modificat de caluseriu calin (acum 13 ani)

pus acum 13 ani
Membru Puf

Din: Constanta
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Vaillant 706

pus acum 13 ani
caluseriu calin

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Nu stiu cine l-a scanat, l-am luat brut de undeva.
[ F ] - Pif Gadget 0640 [...] - calin

Modificat de caluseriu calin (acum 13 ani)

pus acum 13 ani

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Iata si:

PG 62+4p ce lipseau(76p-lipsa p59,60 gadget)are78p

Postarile mele/My posts
Postarile mele/Comice

pus acum 13 ani

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
V.le journal de...1197 rescanat

(Il gasiti si in lista /pag 38)

Postarile mele/My posts
Postarile mele/Comice

pus acum 13 ani

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Vaillant 829valy51.rar (122.46 MB)

Vaillant 830valy51.rar (123.7 MB)

pus acum 13 ani
caluseriu calin

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
[ F ] - Pif Gadget 0642 - Juillet 1981 - calin

Modificat de caluseriu calin (acum 13 ani)

pus acum 13 ani

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
100% comique 32(68p)complet
100% comique 34 Nouveau P. special (68p complet)
100% comique 35 Nouveau P. special (68p complet)
100% comique 36(68p)complet 
100% comique 37 special [68p]complet
100% comique 38[68p]complet 
100% comique 39(68p)complet 
100% comique 40(68p)complet 
100% comique 44[68p]complet 
100% comique 45(68p)complet
100% comique 50[68p]complet 
100% comique 51(68p)complet 
100% comique 52[68p]complet 
100% comique 53 [68p]complet
100% comique special 54(68p)complet
    varianta 1
    varianta 2
100% comique special 55(68p)complet
100% comique special 56[68p]complet
100% comique 57[68p]complet
100% comique 58 [68p]complet[repostat-avea intrerup]
100% comique 59(68p)complet
100% comique 62[68p]complet 
100% comique 69 [68p]complet
100% comique 71
100%comique 72
100% comique73 [68p]complet
100% comique  302 special(68p-complet)
Special 100%comique 304[68p]complet
100% comique special 2211 112 HS(64p-complet)                             
100% comique special 2211 201 missing 4pHS
100%comique special 205[68p]complet
100%comique207+p ce lipseau[64p]complet
100% comique 210 Nouveau P.special(68p-complet)
100% comique special 2211 212(64p-complet)   
100% comique 2211specialHS(68p)complet   

Supercomique 01(100p)complet 
Supercomique 03[100p]complet 
Supercomique 05[100p]complet 
Supercomique 06(100p)complet 
Supercomique 07(100p)complet 
Supercomique 09(100p)complet 
Supercomique 10 (100p)complet
Supercomique 12[100p]complet 
Supercomique special 13           
Supercomique 14 [100p]complet
Supercomique 16(100p)complet 

Supercomique 20 [100p]complet
Supercomique 21 (76p) complet 
Supercomique 22(100p)complet 
Supercomique 24(100p)complet 
Supercomique 25(100p)complet 
Supercomique 27(100p)complet 

Supercomique 35(100p)complet   
Supercomique 37(100p)complet   
Supercomique 40(76p) complet

Supercomique 41(100p)complet   
Supercomique 43(90p)complet   
Supercomique special Grandes Aventures 44[76p]complet
Supercomique 46(76p) complet
Supercomique 47[76p]complet

Poche Special Comique HS(100p)complet
Poche Special Comique 006 HS[100p]complet
Poche Special 107 [76p]complet
Poche Special 207 [76p]complet
Poche Special 105 HS[76p]complet
Poche Special HS 100p complet
Geant comique 9 HS (164p-complet)  part1
                                                      part 2
Geant Aventures 9 HS (132p-complet)  part1
Grandes aventures de H 01[contine P.supercomique special 23 si 36 care sunt deja pe forum]
Super.H Geant 1 [nr.1+7]
P.Super Geant 4 (164p-complet) part1
P.Super Geant 5 (164p-complet)
P.Super Geant 2 comique part 1 [164p]complet
                                  part 2 [164p]complet
P.Super Geant 3 comique part 1 [164p]complet
                                  part 2 [164p]complet
P.Super Geant 4 comique part 1 part 2

P.Super Geant 6 HS 164p complet
part 1
part 2
P.Super Geant 7 HS[164p]complet
part 1
part 2
P. Geant 3 132p complet
  part 1
  part 2
Super H.Geant 47 HS part 1/part 2
Super H. 02 [76p]complet
Super H. 03 [76p]complet
Super H. 04[76p]complet
Super H. 05
Super H. 06
Super H. 09
Super H. 10
Super H. 11
Super H.12
Super H.14 lipsa 2p
Super H.15
Super H. 16
Super H.18
Super H.19
Super H.22
Super H.23
Super H.26
Super H. 28
Super H.34 lipsa 2p
Super H. 41[68p]complet
Super H.45
Super H. 46[68p]complet
Super H.47
Super H.51   
Super H. 55 [68p]complet
Super H. 64 [68p]complet
Super H. 71 [68p]complet
Maxi P.Parade Comique [396p] complet
P.Parade comique 03 [260p]complet

P.Parade comique 04 [260p]complet. 

P.Parade comique 03 [260p]complet

P.Parade comique 07 [260p]complet

P.Parade comique 08 [260p]complet

P.Parade comique 09 260p [missing 17p]

P.Parade comique 15

P.Parade comique 16 [260p]complet

P.Parade comique 19

P.Parade comique 23 196p [complet]

P.Parade Aventure 01[260p]complet

P.Parade Aventure 03

P.Parade Aventure 07[260p]complet
P.Parade Aventure 09[260p]complet

Vive l'aventure 01[196p]complet
Vive l'aventure 02[196p]complet

NPG 1+brosura c lipsea           
NPG 2+2 brosuri c lipseau     
NPG 11+ brosuri c lipseau     
New PG.26[84p+2 brosuri c lipseau]complet M.poche M.poche 275[164p]lipsa 2p M.poche 278[164p]complet
P.poche 322 incomplet

Tdy Td 01
Tdy Td 04
Tdy Td 03[68p]complet
Tdy Td 05
Tdy Td 07
Dr.Just.05 [68p]complet

V.le journal de...1153

brosura nu stiu d unde ses amis 01 HS[100%comique71+H.60]

Bodoi special PG

Histoire du F.W. en bd 01 [24p]complet
Histoire du F.W. en bd 02 [24p]complet
Histoire du F.W. en bd 3 [24p]complet
Histoire du F.W. en bd 04 [24p]complet
Histoire du F.W. en bd 05 [24p]complet
Histoire du F.W. en bd 06 [24p]complet
Histoire du F.W. en bd 07 [24p]complet
Histoire du F.W. en bd 08 [24p]complet
Histoire du F.W. en bd 09 [24p]complet
Histoire du F.W. en bd 10 [24p]complet
Histoire du F.W. en bd 11 [24p]complet
Histoire du F.W. en bd 12 [24p]complet
Histoire du F.W. en bd 13 [24p]complet
Histoire du F.W. en bd 14 [24p]complet
Histoire du F.W. en bd 15 [24p]complet
Histoire du F.W. en bd 16 [24p]complet
Histoire du F.W. en bd 17 [24p]complet
Histoire du F.W. en bd 18 [24p]complet
Histoire du F.W. en bd 19 [24p]complet
Histoire du F.W. en bd 20 [24p]complet
Histoire du F.W. en bd 21 [24p]complet
Histoire du F.W. en bd 22 [24p]complet
Histoire du F.W.en bd 23 [24p]complet
Histoire du F.W. en bd 24 [24p]complet
Histoire du F.W. en bd 25 [24p]complet
Histoire du F.W. en bd 26 [24p]complet
Histoire du F.W. en bd 27 [24p]complet
Histoire du F.W. en bd 28 [24p]complet
Histoire du F.W. en bd 29 [24p]complet
Histoire du F.W. en bd 30 [24p]complet
Histoire du F.W. en bd 31 [24p]complet
Histoire du F.W. en bd 32 [24p]complet
Histoire du F.W. en bd 33 [24p]complet
Histoire du F.W. en bd 34 [24p]complet
Histoire du F.W. en bd 35 [24p]complet
Histoire du F.W. en bd 36 [24p]complet

P.jeux 19
P.Jeux 15
P.jeux 21

Lucky.L 03 [missing p35-53]84p incomplet

Decouverte du M.en bd 07 [52p]complet
Decouverte du M.en bd 08 [52p]complet
Decouverte du M.en bd 09 [52p]complet

Modificat de trackf (acum 1 an)

Postarile mele/My posts
Postarile mele/Comice

pus acum 13 ani

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Actualizez temporar cateva postari mai vechi de ale mele ca sa vad mai usor ce mai am de verificat:

PG 1+coperta 1                               
PG 2     
PG 3+22p ce lipseau+coperti rescanate(80p-complet)     

PG 5 76p(lipsa 8p-un poster)+coperta1 resc(are in total 84p)
PG 6+16p ce lipseau+coperta1 resc.(76p-lipsa2p)p51,52 se repeta
PG 7 (lipsa p59/60-probabil gadgetul)         

PG 15+16p ce lipseau+coperta1 resc(76p-lipsa p59,60 gadgetul)
PG 16+16p ce lipseau+coperti resc(76p-lipsa p59,60 gadget)

PG 21 pdf+2p ce lipseau+2p refacute+coperta1 resc(76p-lipsa 4p gadget) 
PG 22 imi lipseste p59-60 (probabil gadgetul)/are 78p

PG 24+17 ce lipseau+9p resc(74p-lipsa p57-60 gadget)
PG 25 complet/are 78p                               

PG 27 rescan300+5p ce lipseau+5p refacute(78p complet) 
PG 28 +11p ce lipseau(74p)lipsa p59,60-gadget si p65,66 posibil greseala tipar(scrie ca are 78p,dar e posibil sa aiba 76)

PG 30+2p ce lipseau(76p-lipsa p59,60 gadget)+coperta1 resc

PG 34[finisat calin]+gadget timbre

PG 38+p63,64 refacute+2p ce lipseau(74p-lipsa 2p gadget)are80p

PG 45 scan 300+20p ce lipseau(76p-lipsa 2p gadget)are78p
PG 46 rescanat 300 complet-78p

PG 49+gadget-complet
PG 50+14p ce lipseau+coperti rescanate(76p)(lipsa p59,60 gadget) si61,62
PG 51+coperta 2 rescanata
PG 52[finisat calin]+gadget

PG 56[finisat calin]+gadget[p59-60]

PG 58[76p]+gadget complet

PG 62- imi  lipseste p59-60 gadg/are 78p

PG 64+22p ce lipseau(76p)(lipsa p59,60 gadget)are 78p.rar

PG 66 pdf+4p ce lipseau(76p/lipsa p39-54 poster si p75-79)are 96p.rar
PG 67 rescan300(la cererea lui calin)(80p lipsa p31,32)are 82p
PG 68 rescan 300 la cererea lui calin(76p lipsa p29,30 gadget)are 78p
PG 69 rescan 300 la cererea lui calin(78p-complet+gadget)
PG 69[finisat calin]+gadget more complet

PG 71+gadget(78p complet)

PG 77 lipsa 2p(gadg)
PG 78 rescan 300 la cererea lui calin (76p/lipsa p29-32)are80p
PG 79 rescan300 la cererea lui calin(76p lipsa p29-30 gadget)are78p
PG 80 rescan300(76p/ lipsa p29,30 gadget)are78p

PG 82+gadget-complet

PG 88 (1326)+carton gadget lipsa timbre

PG 92 (1330)+gadget-complet

PG 100+coperta1 ce era crapata

PG 104 pdf+p76,77,78 ce erau taiate+coperta1 rescan
PG 105

PG 114 (complet 76p)
PG 115 pdf+coperta2 ce lipsea(p75,76)+p53 ce era stearsa/are76p

PG 121 (complet 76p)
PG 122
PG 123 imi lipsesc p29-30/are 76p

PG 128

PG 131
PG 133
PG 134

PG 136 pdf+2p ce lipseau
PG 137+coperta1+gadget
PG 138+missing p19-22[gadget]80p-complet

PG 140+coperta recificativa
PG 141

PG 143

PG 154+coperta2 ce lipsea(76p/lipsa p29,30 gadget)are78p

PG 161+p51,52 ce erau taiate(76p complet)
PG 162 pdf+coperta 2 ce lipsea

PG 170 pdf+p7,8 (ce lipseau)+p59-62 ce erau taiate+coperta1+coperta2 ce lipsea(76p-complet)

PG 172 pdf+coperta2 ce lipsea(76p complet)+coperta 1 rescan

PG 178
PG 179
PG 180

PG 189+p49,50(gadget)ce lipseau+coperti rescanate

PG 192

PG 196
PG 197

PG 204 pdf+coperta fata rescanata(avea un timbru)
PG 205+p2 care avea un timbru

PG 211+p47 ce lipsea+album jungla
PG 212 pdf+p71,76 ce lipseau+cover1 rescan(76p complet)
PG 213+p71,76 ce lipseau cover1 rescan(76p complet)

PG 216 pdf+gadget

PG 218 

PG 224 brosura

PG 226+p67,68 gadget(78p complet)

PG 230+p67,68 gadget   

PG 232+p72 ce lipsea(76p complet)

PG 234+p3,4 ce lipseau

PG 240 (1478)+p61 ce lipsea
PG 241

PG 243 rescan 300(76p complet)(era slab)

PG 245

PG 250 scanat de cineva + 21 pag.ce lipseau (cu numerotarea corecta)

PG 259 p48 ce lipsea
PG 260

PG 271+p65,66 ce lipseau(68p complet)

PG 274

PG 281+p69,70(cover2)+p35,36(gadget)ce lipseau(70p complet)

PG 284+p3,4 ce lipseau(68p complet)

PG 288+22p ce lipseau(inclusiv cover2)+rescan cover1(76p complet)

PG 291

PG 296(76p complet)

PG 298 nu mai stiu dc am scanat cateva pagini(72p)

PG 301+26p ce lipseau(70p)(lipsa p6,7)

PG 303+p completate si rescanate(68p complet)
PG 304 (68 pag)
PG 304+cover1rescan(era mazgalita)68p-complet
PG 305+17p ce lipseau+cover1rescan(68p complet)

PG 307+p ce lipseau(68p complet)

PG 309+17p ce lipseau(68p complet)
PG 310+p13 ce lipsea+p49refacuta(68p complet)

PG 312+p5-8 ce lipseau(68p complet)

PG 314+9p ce lipseau(66p)lipsa p49-50(gadget)
PG 314+p49,50 c lipseau
PG 315+coperta2 ce lipsea(100p complet)

PG 317+p3,4,41-44(poster)83,84(cover2)+cover1 rescan(84p complet)

PG 319+cover2 ce lipsea+cover1rescan(84p complet)
PG 320+4p ce lipseau+cover1rescan(78p complet)
PG 321_+22p ce lipseau+copertile rescan(76p complet)
PG 322+coperta2 ce lipsea(76p complet)
PG 323+coperta2 ce lipsea(76p-complet)
PG 324+coperta2ce lipsea(76p complet)
PG 325+p71+coperta2(76p-complet)
PG 326+coperta2ce lipsea(76p complet)
PG 327+p42,coperta2 ce lipseau(76p complet)

PG 329+p2,73,76(inclusiv coperta2)ce lipseau(76p complet)

PG 332+16p ce lipseau(inclusiv covers) (complet76p)
PG 333+16p ce lipseau(76p complet)
PG 334+17p ce lipseau(76p complet)
PG 335+23p ce lipseau +coperti rescanate(76p complet)

PG 337+p37-40c lipseau(76p)complet

PG 339+17p ce lipseau+coperti rescanate(76p complet)
PG 340+17p ce lipseau(76p complet)
PG 341+19p ce lipseau(76p complet)
PG 342+p35 ce era taiata(76p complet)

PG 344+20p ce lipseau+copertile rescanate(76p incomplet)are80p
PG 344 gadgetul abtibilde
PG 345+p61,62c lipseau[76p]complet
PG 346+8p ce lipseau(76p)
PG 347+8p ce lipseau(76p complet)

PG 349+23p ce lipseau(76p complet)

PG 351 8p ce lipseau(76p complet)
PG 352+p35-42c lipseau(76p)complet
PG 353+21p ce lipseau(76p complet)
PG 354+p ce lipseau
PG 355+8p ce lipseau(100p lipsa p51-66 poster)are116p

PG 357+8p ce lipseau(35 42)(76p complet)
PG 358+8p c lipseau(76p complet)
PG 359 part1
PG 360 rescanat (76p complet)
PG 361+p35-42 ce lipseau(76p complet)
PG 362 p35-42 ce lipseau+pagini incetosate refacute(76p complet)
PG 363+p2,35-42,75 ce lipseau+p ce erau in ceata rescanate(76p complet)

PG 365+p ce lipseau
PG 366+p35-42 c lipseau(76p)complet
PG 367+p35-42 ce lipseau+2p refacute(76p complet)
PG 368+p35-42 c lipseau(76p)complet
PG 369+p35-42c lipseau(76p)complet
PG 370+p35-42c lipseau(76p)complet
PG 371+p35-42c lipseau[76p]complet
PG 372+p35-42c lipseau(76p)complet
PG 373 (1611)+p35-42c lipseau(76p)complet

PG 376 (1614)+18p c lipseau(68p lipsa p35 -42 joc)are76p incomplet
PG 377+p35-42c lipseau[76p]complet

PG 379+p35-42 c lipseau(76p)complet
PG 379 gadget poster
PG 379 brosura 4p
PG 380+missing p+missing brosura[76p]complet
PG 381+p35-42c lipseau[76p]complet
PG 382+p35-42 c lipseau(76p)complet
PG 383 (1621)+p35-42 c lipseau(76p)complet
PG 384 rescan(76p-complet)

PG 386+cover1,2c lipseau[carti potale-gadget]missing2-3p[solution des jeux]

PG 393+p35 c lipsea(76p)complet

PG 395+p39-42c lipseau+brosura(78p)complet
PG 396+4 pag ce lipseau

PG 397+4missing p(76p)complet
PG 398+4missing p+4pc nu stiu d unde is(76p)complet

PG 400 finisat calin pagini lipsa
PG 401+8p c lipseau(76p-complet)
PG 402 (1640)+22missing p+2p rescan(76p)complet
PG 403+4missing p(76p)complet

PG 405

PG 409+4p c lipseau(76p)complet
PG 410+15p ce lipseau(72p) lipsa 4p
PG 410 p37-40 la cerere

PG 412+6p c lipseau[76p]complet
PG 413 [76p]complet rescanat
PG 414+22p c lipseau(76p)complet
PG 415+30p rescan(erau in ceata)76p-complet
PG 416+p ce lipseau
PG 417+4p ce lipseau(64p-complet)
PG 418+18 p ce lipseau

PG 420+p33c lipsea(64p)complet

PG 423+4p ce lipseau+1p mijloc(64p)

PG 425+4p ce lipseau(poster)(64p-complet)
PG 426 brosura[2p]
PG 427+4p ce lipseau(64p-complet)

PG 431+4p ce lipseau

PG 436+4p ce lipseau(64p complet)

PG 437+4p ce lipseau(64p)

PG 443+4p brosura(64p-complet)

PG 449[64p]+4p brosura-complet

PG 452+p31-34 c lipseau(64p)complet

PG 455+p rescan[erau incomplete]64p-complet

PG 459+4p ce lipseau(poster-64p)

PG 462 part1
PG 463+4p ce lipseau(64p-complet)

PG 467+p24 c lipsea[64p]complet

PG 470+p13,14 ce lipseau(64p)

PG 473[64p+4p brosura]complet
PG 474+18p ce lipseau(59p-incomplet)

PG 479

PG 481+4missing p(64)complet
PG 482 abtibilde
PG 483+p31-34 c lipseau(64p)complet
PG 484+23p ce lipseau(64p)

PG 486 (1724)+19 p ce lipseau(64p-complet)
PG 489+p11,12 ce lipseau

PG 492+4 missing p+2p rescan(64p)complet
PG 493 (64p) era la 100dpi
PG 493+5pag ce lipseau
PG 495+1 talon
PG 496+4p ce lipseau(poster)(64p)

PG 498+p31-34 corecte+talon+p31-34 gresite(de la 497)

PG 500+6p ce lipseau talon(96p)

PG 503 brosura

PG 506+14missing p[64p]complet
PG 507 abtibilde

PG 510 scan 300 finisat calin[64p]complet+5p rescan[avea intreruperi]
PG 511+10missing p+cover1,2(64p)complet
PG 512 (64p complet)

PG 518+18 missing p(64p-complet)
PG 519+4p ce lipseau(68p-complet)

PG 521

PG 523+28p ce lipseau(68p-complet)
PG 524 part1

PG 528+p46 ce lipsea(64p)
PG 529 cover1 rescan

PG 547+39p ce lipseau(76p-complet)

PG 549 (68p-complet)scan 300
PG 550+p rescan

PG 558+33p ce lipseau(complet)
PG 559+23missing p(68p)complet
PG 560
PG 561
PG 562(68p) 6p talon   
PG 564[68p]complet-rescanat aproape complet la cererea lui calin
PG 565+24p ce lipseau(68p complet)
PG 566+16p ce lipseau(inclusiv coperta2)68p-complet
PG 567[64p]complet-rescanat la cererea lui calin
PG 568+p ce lipseau+p rescanate(68p)complet
PG 569+32missing p(72p-complet)
PG 569 brosura [2p]
PG 570 CMMC calin+3p ce lipseau

PG 572+4p c lipseau(68p)complet
PG 573+p2 ce lipsea+p refacute(erau in ceata)64p-complet

PG 575 [64p]complet-rescan

PG 578+26p c lipseau+10p rescan(68p-complet)
PG 579+cover1rescan]complet-repostat
PG 580+7p rescan[erau taiate]
PG 581 part1

PG 583 cover

PG 585 (1823) +p62c lipsea(64p)complet

PG 588 part1
PG 588 ghid gadget

PG 596+10p ce lipseau(capt.apache)(64p)

PG 603+4p ce lipseau 4p talon copert1 resc.(68p)
PG 604 brosura
PG 605+2p c lipseau+1p brosura(68p)complet
PG 606 brosura
PG 607 (68p complet) era 100dpi
PG 608[76p+brosura12p c lipseau
PG 609
PG 610+p21-22 rescan(erau taiate)64p-complet

PG 623+5missing p(64p-complet)
PG 624+3p ce lipseau 2p rescanate

PG 628+4p brosura c lipsea(64p)complet

PG 633+10p ce lipseau+copertile rescanate(64p-complet)

PG 635+pagini rescanate(erau taiate)(64p-complet)

PG 645+4p ce nu stiu d unde is+4p corecte c lipseau(64p)complet

PG 656 rescan300(era100dpi)64p complet(lipsea 1p)

PG 658
PG 659

PG 662+coperta 2 c lipsea(64p)complet

PG 664 (64p complet)
PG 664 supliment 2p 

PG 666 - [FC]2p rescan
PG 667 part1
PG 668 (64P complet)
PG 669 (64P complet)
PG 670 64p complet
PG 671+p3,4 rescan[erau taiate]

PG 674 60p (incomplet lipsesc p31-34)

PG 677(60p lipsa 31 34)are64p incomplet
PG 678(64p complet)
PG 679(64p complet)

PG 682 demongsm+12p rescan
PG 685

PG 695 (1933)+21p ce lipseau(72p complet)

PG 698+3p rescan[erau mazgalite]

PG 701(70p-missing 55,56)are72p incomplet

PG 703(72p-complet)

PG 710(64p complet)+4p brosura

PG 712+1p rescan
PG 713+26 missing p+8missing p(brosura)(64p-complet)
PG 714(64p-complet)
PG 715+6p rescan

PG 717+19missing p(57p-lipsa 8p)are64p

PG 720 (1958)+22p clipseau(64p)complet

PG 724(64p-complet)
PG 725(64p-complet)
PG 726+p rescan

PG 731(64p complet)
PG 732(64p+8p suplim-complet)

PG 735(64p+4p suplim-complet)4p decupate
PG 736(62p-missing p59,60)are64p
PG 737 +pag intrerupte rescanate
PG 738(64p complet)
PG 739 - [FC]+p rescan
PG 740 6p rescan

PG 742 - [FC]+4p rescan

PG 749 brosura

PG 759 2p refacute
PG 760 (64p+o brosura de 8p-complet)
PG 761(64p-complet)

PG 763(64p+16p brosura)complet
PG 764(72p complet)
PG 765(64p-complet)
PG 766(68p complet)
PG 767(64p complet)
PG 768 p c lipseau

PG 770+4p c lipseau+p37-42 rescan(erau stricate)
PG 771(64p complet)
PG 772(64p complet)
PG 773(64p complet)
PG 774(64p complet)
PG 775(56p lipsa p29 36 poster)are 64p
PG 776 8p c lipseau(64p complet)

PG 780(56p 4p brosura complet)

PG 782(56p complet)

PG 784(54p lipsa2p 2p taiate de la jumat)are56p

PG 786(70p complet)
PG 787(64p complet)
PG 788+16p ce lipseau(64p complet)
PG 789(64p-complet)
PG 790+6p c lipseau+8p rescan(erau sticate)64p-complet
PG 791(64p-complet)
PG 792(72p-missing p37-44)are80p-incomplet
PG 793(64p missing p33-40)are72p

PG 795(60p-missing p31-42)are72p-incomplet
PG 796[72p-missing poster p33-40]+p rescan-incomplet
PG 797 finisat calin[72p+poster]complet+cateva p rescan
PG 798 finisat calin[72p+poster]complet+cateva p rescan     
PG 799(64p-missing p33-40)are72p-incomplet
PG 800[64p+8p missing poster]complet
PG 801(64p-missing p33-40)are72p-incomplet
PG 802[64p+8p poster c lipseau]complet
PG 803(64p+missing poster 8p)complet
PG 804+8p rescan(erau taiate)64p-complet
PG 805(64p complet)
PG 806+7p rescan+8p c lipseau(64p-lipsa8p poster)are72p-incomplet
PG 807(64p-complet)
PG 808 - [FC]+2p rescan
PG 809 - [FC]+3p rescan
PG 810+9p rescan(64p-complet)
PG 811(72p-complet)
PG 812(64p-complet)

PG 814(64p-complet)
PG 815 - [FC]+7p rescan
PG 816(68p-complet)
PG 817(64p-complet)
PG 818 - [FC]+2p rescan

PG 820(64p-complet
PG 821+16p rescanate(64p+4p brosura complet)
PG 822(56p-complet)
PG 823(56p-complet)
PG 824 - [FC]+1p rescan
PG 825 [calin]+4p c lipseau+1p rescan(56p-complet)
PG 826 - [FC]+9p rescan
PG 827 - [FC]+2p rescan
PG 828 - [FC+1p rescan ]

PG 832(56p+4p brosura)missing tlposter
PG 833+p27-30c lipseau(56p)missing tlposter
PG 834(56p)missing tlposter

PG 836 - [FC]+1p rescan

PG 837 - [FC]+1p rescan
PG 838 - [FC]+16p rescan

PG 840(56p+4p brosura)lipsa tlposter
PG 841(56p-)lipsa tlposter
PG 842 - [FC]+1p rescan
PG 843 - [FC]+2p rescan
PG 844[56p+tlpif c lipsea]complet
PG 845 - [FC]+3p rescan

PG 847 - [FC]+2p rescan
PG 848 - [FC]+1p rescan
PG 849 - [FC]+2p rescan
PG 850 - [FC]+1p rescan
PG 851 - [FC]+4p rescan
PG 852[56p+tlpif c lipsea]complet
PG 853[56p+tlpif c lipsea]complet
PG 854[56p+tlpif c lipsea]complet
PG 855[56p+tlpif c lipsea]complet
PG 856+2p rescan(erau taiate)56p-missing tlpif
PG 857 - [FC]+3p rescan
PG 858 - [FC]+4p rescan
PG 859 - [FL27-30]+1p rescan
PG 860(56p+4p brosura)missing tlpif
PG 861 - [FC]+12p rescan

PG 863 - [FC]+3p rescan
PG 864(56p) missing tlpif
PG 865 - [FC]+5p rescan
PG 866[56p+tlpif c lipsea]complet
PG 867 - [FC]+2p rescan
PG 868 - [FC]+3p rescan
PG 869(56p)lipsa tlposter
Pif Gadget 0870 - [FC]+1p rescan
Pif Gadget 0871 - [FC]+3p rescan

PG 873+2p rescan(erau taiate)56p-missing tlpif
Pif Gadget 0874 - [FC]+8p rescan missing tlpif

PG 876+tlpif c lipsea(16p)84p-complet
Pif Gadget 0877 - [FL35-50]+5p rescan
PG 878+tlpif[84p]complet
PG 879+cover1rescan(avea un abtibild)68p(missing tlpif)are 84p
PG 880+16 p c lipseau(68p)missing tlpif-are 84p
PG 881(68p+5p suplim) are 88p-incomplet
PG 882+tlpif,brosura c lipseau[84p]complet
PG 883+30p c lipseau(reclame)72p-missing tlpif-are 88p
PG 884+28p c lipseau(72p)missing tlpif-are84p
PG 885 p34(era taiata)
PG 886+12p c lipseau(68p-missing tlpif)are 84p
PG 887(84p)complet
PG 888+2p c lipseau+p rescan[erau incomplete]missing p35-50[tlpif]
PG 889 - [FC]

PG 891(84p complet)
PG 892 - [FC]+p rescan
PG 893 - [FC]+p rescan
PG 894 - [FC]+p rescan
PG 895 - [FC] - lipsa TELEPIF+p rescan
PG 896 - [FC]+p rescan
PG 897 - [FC]+18p rescan

PG 899+covers1,2+tlpif c lipsea(52p+8)complet
PG 900(52p+8p telepif)complet reupl+p rescan
PG 901 [repostat-avea intrerup]
PG 902+3p rescan
PG 903(52p+8p brosura)complet [cateva p ce aveau intreruperi rescan]
PG 904 [cateva p ce aveau intreruperi rescan]
PG 905(50p+8p brosura)missing2p-incomplet-are52p cateva p rescan
PG 906+2p rescan
PG 907(52p+8p brosura)complet+p rescan

PG 911 rescan[era 100dpi]52p+tlpif c lipsea[2 foi taiate 1/2]

PG 913 scan300 dpi

PG 915[52p+encart4p+tlpif8p c lipsea]scan300[era 100dpi]
PG 916(52p-missing tlpif)incomplet+p rescan
PG 917 varianta 2015
PG 918(52p)lipsa tlposter
PG 919(52p)lipsa tlpif,album abtibilde cred+14p rescan
PG 920+p31rescan(era taiata)56p

PG 923(52p+4p suplim)missing tlpif+p rescan
PG 924 nefin+1p rescan
PG 925(52p+8ptlpif)complet +p rescan
PG 926(50p-missing p34,35 si tlpif)are52p
PG 927+23p rescan[aveau intrerup]
PG 928+15p rescan[aveau intrerup]
PG 929+p rescan
PG 930+p rescan

PG 932+cover1si pc lipseau[52p]missing tlpif

PG 934+tlpif c lipsea[52p+8p]complet
PG 935[52p+8p tlpif]complet

PG 939[52p-missing tlpif]incomplet
PG 940[52p-lipsa8ptlpif si p39-40]incomplet
PG 941[68p]missing tlpif8p
PG 942(52p-missing tlpif i think
PG 943.[52p+tlpif8p]complet

PG 945[52p]missing8p tlpif
PG 946+tlpif c lipsea[52p+8p]complet

PG 948
PG 949
PG 950[52p+tlpif8p]complet

PG 953[56p]complet [am scanat p c lipseau si rescan cateva p]
PG 954[40p]missing 32p carticica si suplim guide vacances,,Paris sympa''
PG 955(56p) 

PG 957(56p)complet
PG 958[40p]lipsa carticica 30p si bros 8p
PG 959[40p]lipsa p27-42
PG 960[40p]-missing carte si encart[8p]
PG 961[56p]complet
PG 962[52p]missing tlpif8
PG 963[52p]missing tlpif[8p]
PG 964(52p+tlpif+brosura)complet
PG 965+cateva p rescan[aveau intreruperi]

PG 967(52p) missing 8p tlpif

PG 970[52p+8ptlpif]complet

PG 973 p intrerupt.rescan
PG 974special[52p+encart16p]missing 8p tlpif]
PG 975 p intrerupt.rescan
PG 976[52p+16p t;pif]complet+5p rescan[aveau intreruperi]
PG 977[52p]missing tlpif
PG 978[52p]missing tlpif

PG 980[52p+missing tlpif]-still missing 4p brosura i think

PG 986(52p+12p c liseau tlpif)complet
PG 987[52p+8p tlpif]complet

PG 990+14p rescan[aveau intrerup]
PG 991[52p]missing tlpif.
PG 992[52p]missing tlpif8p+encart4p
PG 993[52+tlpif8p]complet
PG 994[52p+tlpif8p]complet
PG 995+17p rescan[aveau intrerup]
PG 996 [52p+8p tlpif]complet

PG 1003[52p]missing 8p tlpif+9p rescan[aveau intreruperi][52p]missing 8p tlpif
PG 1004[52p]missing 8p tlpif+6p rescan[aveau intreruperi][52p]missing 8p tlpif

PG 1006[52p+4p brosura]missing tlpif 8p

PG 1008 special [52p+4p brosura]complet

PG 1010 p29,30 rescan tot decupate dar altfel
PG 1011[68p+4p brosura]complet/are si carticica
PG 1012[52p+2 encart 8p]missing suplement E-H
PG 1013[68]+4p brosura+carte 30p+2p rescan[aveau intreruperi]
PG 1014+2p rescan[aveau intreruperi]

PG 1016+24p c lipseau[52p]missing tlpif[8p]
PG 1017(52p+8p teleposter)complet(with help of fossile)
PG 1018[52p]missing 8p tlpif

PG 1020+p23 c lipsea
PG 1021[52p]missing 8p tlpif
PG 1022[52p]missing 8p tlpif
PG 1023[52p]+[tlpif+missing p13-16 by fossile]
PG 1024[52p+4p encart+8p tlpif]missing encart 4p[p 2 rescan avea intreruperi]
PG 1025+2p rescan[aveau intreruperi](48p+8p tele)missng p17-20(are52p)
PG 1026(52p+8p teleposter)complet(with help of fossile)

PG 1028[52p+8p tlpif]complet
PG 1029
PG 1030[52p+8p tlpif]complet
PG 1031[52p+tlpif+encart4p]missing encart4p-cateva p rescan la cererea lui Simbad[insa revista mea are un colt rupt
PG 1032[52p]+tlpif,brosura by fossile
PG 1033
PG 1034[50p+tlpif8p]+2p c lipseau-missing encart 4p

PG 1036[52p]-missing tlpif 8p and 2 pochette autocollants footbal i think
PG 1037[52p]lipsa tlpif 8p
PG 1038 Demong+4p brosura+8p tlpif complet
PG 1039[52p+4p encart]missing 8p tlpif and autocollants i think

PG 1040[52p]+8ptlpif+4p brosura-complet
PG 1041[sindbad]+missingp[2p+8p tlpif]52p-complet

PG 1043[52p+4p encart+8p tlpif]complet  [repostat-avea intrerup]
PG 1044+8p tlpif+4p brosura(52p)complet

PG 1049[52p+encartA-D]missing tlpif 8p

PG 1054[52p+4p brosura]missing tlpif 8p

PG 1050[52p+encartA-D]missing tlpif 8p

PG 1057[52p+4p bros+8p tlpif]complet
PG 1058[52p+4p brosura]missing book 32p [bd Gaston]
PG 1059+tlpif c lipsea[missing brosura 4p]52p-incomplet
PG 1060[36p+4p encart]missing p19-50 gags

PG 1062[36p+carticica+encart4p]complet
PG 1063[36p+encart4p]missing p19-50

PG 1065[36p]+brosura4p+ 4p brosura[by fossile] missing p19-50[book]-are 68p
PG 1066(52p+bros4p)-missing tlpif8p+bros 4p
PG 1067[52p+encart4p+autocollants viktor]missing tlpif[8p]+encart publicit[la guilde]
PG 1068[52p+encart4p+abtibilde]missing tlpif8p+p rescan
PG 1069[52p+4p encart]missing 8p tlpif,p1,2 taiate
PG 1070[52p+tlpif8p+encart4p+gadget+autocolants+6p rescan

PG 1072[52p+4p encart+8p tlpif] complet

PG 1075[52p+encart4p+gadg+tlpi8p c lipsea]lipsa encart 4p
PG 1076[52p+encart4p+tlpi8p c lipsea]lipsa encart 4p

PG 1080[52p+4p encart]+ 8p tlpif+7p rescan
PG 1081[52p+tlpif8p+encart4p]+5p rescan
PG 1082[52p+4p bros]-missing8p tlpif

PG 1084+4p brosura c lipsea(52p)complet
PG 1085+14p c lipseau(missing 2 brosuri)52p

PG 1088(52p+4p brosura)complet

PG 1091[52p+bros 4p c lipsea]complet

PG 1094(52p+4p brosura c lipsea)complet

PG 1098[52p+encartA-D]coperta2taiata putin
PG 1099[52p]+missing encart4p

PG 1101+4 missing p

PG 1105 [52p+encart4p]+tlpif c lipsea-complet
PG 1106+cover1 rescan(52p)missing 4p brosura
PG 1107[52p+autocollants+gadget+encart4p c lipsea]missing encart 4p.rar

PG 1112(52p+16p brosura)complet
PG 1113(52p+16p joc)complet

PG 1115[52p+cubitus 16p c lipsea]missing autocolants
         ... llants.rar
PG 1116[52p+cubitus 16p+gadget+encart 4p c lipsea
PG 1117+missing cover2(52p)-missing little book[livre policier32p]+autocollants

PG 1122+4p brosura c lipsea(52p)complet
PG 1122+p7,8 c erau gaurite

PG 1124[52p+encart 4p c lipsea+gadget+cadou]complet

PG 1126[52p+gadget+encart4p c lipsea]lipsa 1gadget

PG 1129+copertile rescanate

PG 1133+4p brosura c lipseau(52p)complet

PG 1135+4missing p[52p]missing 2 bros[8p]

PG 1140 4p ce lipseau(reclama)

PG 1146+p ce lipseau[64p+12p brosuri]complet

PG 1148[52p+4p le match c lipsea]complet

PG 1151+4p c lipseau+copertile1,2 altfel

PG 1156[52p+4p encart+8p encart]missing 4p encart publicit

PG 1161[52p+4pLeMatch]missing publicit La mota16p

PG 1166[52p+4p Le match]complet

PG 1176[52p]missing encart 4p

PG 1179[52p]missing encart4p+encart12p

PG 1193[52p+4pLeMatch]missing encartI-IVBubblePif[collecteur autocollants i think]

PG 1203(52p+4p poster)complet

PG 1209[52p+4p encart+8p pif pac]complet

PG 1212 [52p-missing 4p le match] incomplet cateva p rescan

PG 1215[52p+4p brosura]complet

PG 1217[52p+encart 4p]complet
PG 1218[52p+encart 4p]complet

PG 1243[52p]complet p rescan

PG special K[64p]complet
Special juliet 78 1p ce lipsea
Special 1518 d
PG 1518 c Special.Demong. coperti pag rupte refacute
Special Spania
Nouveau P.Special filles 817 HS(68p)
Special nature(68p)lipsa p35-42
PG 462 bis cover 1 rescan
PG special 2295
PG special 2211 HS
Super P 1 2015
Super P 2 2015
Super P 3 2015
Super P 4 2015
Super P 5 2015
Super P 6
Super P 7
Super P 8
Super P 9

Modificat de trackf (acum 5 ani)

Postarile mele/My posts
Postarile mele/Comice

pus acum 13 ani

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
PG 21 pdf+2p ce lipseau+2p refacute+coperta1 resc(76p-lipsa 4p gadget)

Modificat de trackf (acum 11 ani)

Postarile mele/My posts
Postarile mele/Comice

pus acum 13 ani

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
PG 88 pdf+coperta2 ce lipsea

Postarile mele/My posts
Postarile mele/Comice

pus acum 13 ani
Membru Gold

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Here's another missing one.
PG 606 (1844) 72+4 pages complete.
Same number in high resolution for editors.(Calin!)
I'm still looking for the PG No.623, 662, 663, 664, 692, Vaillant 464-527 !

pus acum 13 ani
caluseriu calin

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
[ F ] - Pif Gadget 0641 - Juil 1981 - calin

Modificat de caluseriu calin (acum 13 ani)

pus acum 13 ani

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
PG 28+11p ce lipseau(74p)lipsa p59,60-gadget si p65,66 posibil greseala tipar(scrie ca are 78p,dar e posibil sa aiba 76)

Postarile mele/My posts
Postarile mele/Comice

pus acum 13 ani

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
V.le journal de...1207 rescanat 300 la cerere

(Il gasiti si in lista /pag 38)

Postarile mele/My posts
Postarile mele/Comice

pus acum 13 ani

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Vaillant 831valy51.rar (129.8 MB) 
Vaillant 832valy51.rar (121.2 MB)

pus acum 13 ani

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
PG 30+2p ce lipseau(76p)-lipsa p59,60 gadget+coperta1 rescanata

Postarile mele/My posts
Postarile mele/Comice

pus acum 13 ani
caluseriu calin

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
[ F ] - Pif Gadget 0643 - Juil 1981 - calin

Modificat de caluseriu calin (acum 13 ani)

pus acum 13 ani
Membru Puf

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Front cover of PG645

pif gadget front cover pg645


pus acum 13 ani

Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Cadou de Pasti: Jeremie - 300dpi .tif - 5 episoade/20p aparute in PG in perioada 1971-1972 si care alcatuiesc o poveste completa:

Quiz: Unde a mai aparut primul episod (trunchiat la 12 p)?

Modificat de ASAP (acum 13 ani)

pus acum 13 ani

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Vaillant 833valy51.rar (124.67 MB)

pus acum 13 ani

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
For danneyTEAM (si nu numai):

PG 572 rescan(inclusiv 26p ce lipseau si coperta2(64p)-lipsa p33-36
           rescan+26 missing pages (64p)-without p33-36

And reposted:
PG 512 foto CMMC
PG 514 photo CMMC
PG 565 [CMMC] - calin - 44 pag
PG 569 (40p)
PG 579

PG 549 photo [ CMMC ]

Postarile mele/My posts
Postarile mele/Comice

pus acum 13 ani
Membru Gold

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Here's another missing one.
PG 606 (1844) 72+4 pages complete.
Same number in HIGH RESOLUTION for editors.(Caluseriu Calin!)
I'm still looking for the PG No.623, 662, 663, 664, 692, Vaillant 464-527 !

These links are working!

pus acum 13 ani

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Un cadou de Pasti:

PG 38+p63,64 refacute+2p ce lipseau(74p-lipsa 2p gadget)are80p
PG 45 scan 300+20p ce lipseau(76p-lipsa 2p gadget)are78p
PG 50+14p ce lipseau+coperti rescanate(76p)(lipsa p59,60 gadget) si61,62
PG 56+copertile ce lipseau(76p-lipsa p59,60 gadget)are 78p

PG 230 067-068 gadgetul

PG 301+26p ce lipseau(70p)(lipsa p6,7)
PG 345(special)+25p ce lipseau(74p)-lipsa p61,62
PG 396 (1634) oct1976+4 pag ce lipseau

PG 410+15p ce lipseau(72p)-lipsa 4p
PG 431+4p ce lipseau
PG 493 (64p) rescanat 300 (era la 100dpi)

PG 500+6p ce lipseau+talon(96p)
PG 528+p46 ce lipsea(64p)

V.le journal de..1213 rescanat 300 la cerere
          (Il gasiti si in lista /pag 38)

Si un PG nou:

PG 674 60p (lipsesc p31-34)

SARBATORI FERICITE! la toata lumea!    

Modificat de trackf (acum 13 ani)

Postarile mele/My posts
Postarile mele/Comice

pus acum 13 ani
Membru Gold

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Trackf: Frate, da ce-ai tras! Multumesc frumos!


Centralizator PG 1-100
Centralizator PG 101-200
Centralizator Pif Comique
Centralizator Dicentim
Centralizator Leo Poche
Centralizator Pif Poche

Pagini lipsa interval PG1-PG100
Pagini lipsa interval PG101-PG200

pus acum 13 ani

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Vaillant 834valy51.rar (121.96 MB)

Vaillant 835valy51.rar (121.09 MB)

pus acum 13 ani
caluseriu calin

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
[ F ] - Pif Gadget 0606 [demongsm] - calin

Modificat de caluseriu calin (acum 13 ani)

pus acum 13 ani
caluseriu calin

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
[ F ] - Vaillant le Journal de Pif - 1051 [trackf] - calin

Modificat de caluseriu calin (acum 13 ani)

pus acum 13 ani

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
PG 51+coperta 2 rescanata

Postarile mele/My posts
Postarile mele/Comice

pus acum 13 ani

Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Supliment Vaillant 1022:
Teddy Ted: Il Fait chaud a Wichita

Si astfel, Vaillant 1022 este complet!

pus acum 13 ani

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Vaillant 836valy51.rar (122.28 MB)

pus acum 13 ani

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Am rescanat si PG 52 (il aveam pe lista,nu mai stiu de ce)

Postarile mele/My posts
Postarile mele/Comice

pus acum 13 ani
Membru Gold

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Pif Special Export J

pus acum 13 ani
Membru Gold

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Pif Gadget 579 Complet

pus acum 13 ani
caluseriu calin

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
[ F ] - Pif Gadget 0644 [calin]

Modificat de caluseriu calin (acum 13 ani)

pus acum 13 ani
Membru Puf

Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Suvenir din Ungaria

ocp = only comics pages

pus acum 13 ani
Membru Gold

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Pif Special Export I

pus acum 13 ani

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Almanach 1981.rar (249.94 MB)

pus acum 13 ani
Membru Gold

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Pif Gadget 571 Complet

pus acum 13 ani
caluseriu calin

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
[ F ] - Pif Gadget 0645 - [calin]

Modificat de caluseriu calin (acum 13 ani)

pus acum 13 ani

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Vaillant 837valy51.rar (124.77 MB)

pus acum 13 ani

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Vaillant 838valy51.rar (126.68 MB)

pus acum 13 ani

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
PG 58 coperta1(era foto)(76p lipsa2p gadget)are78p.rar

Postarile mele/My posts
Postarile mele/Comice

pus acum 13 ani

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Vaillant 839valy51.rar (120.51 MB)

pus acum 13 ani

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
PG 64 22p ce lipseau(76p)(lipsa p59,60 gadget)are 78p.rar

Postarile mele/My posts
Postarile mele/Comice

pus acum 13 ani
Membru Gold

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani

trackf a scris:

Spuneti-mi va rog:trebuie rescanat cumva Vaillant 1162? Cred ca il am.

In lista facuta de tine de la pagina 38 sunt doua variante la acest
Vaillant numar 1162   ... 2.rar.html  (Slenki/pag 30) (lipsa p.37-40) (dexterhero/pag 47)
Varianta postata de mine este cred destul de buna.Eventual mai trebuie un pic finisata.

Modificat de dexterhero (acum 13 ani)

pus acum 13 ani

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Vaillant 904valy51.rar (167.37 MB)

pus acum 13 ani
Membru Junior

Inregistrat: acum 15 ani

Aveti aici cele 4 pagini lipsa din Vaillant 1162:

pus acum 13 ani
caluseriu calin

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Am rescanat eu unele pagini care erau de calitate slaba:
[ F ] - Pif Gadget 0648 [CMMC-calin] - calin

Modificat de caluseriu calin (acum 13 ani)

pus acum 13 ani

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
PG 46 rescanat 300 complet-78p

Postarile mele/My posts
Postarile mele/Comice

pus acum 13 ani

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Vaillant 905 valy51.rar (164.04 MB)

pus acum 13 ani
caluseriu calin

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
[ F ] - Pif Gadget 0649 - Sept 1981 - calin

Modificat de caluseriu calin (acum 13 ani)

pus acum 13 ani

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Pt dexterhero:eu am scanat urmatoarele numere care apar in lista ta ca fiind slabe:
PG 274
Special 1518 d
Nu sunt bune?

Am si b.c dar mie imi par bn scanate de demongsm.Parca sa zic ca g-ul mi se pare cu hibe.
Mai verifica-le odata te rog!

Modificat de trackf (acum 13 ani)

Postarile mele/My posts
Postarile mele/Comice

pus acum 13 ani

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
PG 66pdf+4p ce lipseau(76p/lipsa p39-54 poster si p75-79)are 96p.rar

Modificat de trackf (acum 13 ani)

Postarile mele/My posts
Postarile mele/Comice

pus acum 13 ani
caluseriu calin

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
[ F ] - Pif Gadget 0650 - Sept 1981 - calin

Modificat de caluseriu calin (acum 13 ani)

pus acum 13 ani

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Mi-a “crapat” monitorul COMPAQ cu tub cinescopic.
Am cumparat Monitor SAMSUNG LED- nu ma impac deloc cu el.!
Am cuparat coputer nou de la oferta –ca sa mearga la monitor ,fiasco !
Programele  ACdsee si  Corel 12 merg aiurea pe noul computer!
Am reparat vechiul computer ,la asta merg programele perfect! Dar se vad pozele execrabil!
Deci veselie mare ,mare!!!
Vaillant 906valy51.rar (160.7 MB)

pus acum 13 ani

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
PG 67 rescan300(la cererea lui calin)(80p lipsa p31,32)are 82p

Postarile mele/My posts
Postarile mele/Comice

pus acum 13 ani

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Pt wiking12:pun o lista cu verificarile mele la revistele care le-am avut in mana si nu numai.Nu sunt actualizate ultimele postari.La speciale nu e verificat.Scuze pentru eventuale greseli.E o lista incompleta care ar mai fi trebuit completata dar dura f lucrat peste lista lui dexterhero.Cu rosu sunt revistele incomplete cu albastru cele complete.

Modificat de trackf (acum 13 ani)

Postarile mele/My posts
Postarile mele/Comice

pus acum 13 ani

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Vaillant 907valy51.rar (163.82 MB)

pus acum 13 ani

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Iata PG 437+4p ce lipseau(64p)

Postarile mele/My posts
Postarile mele/Comice

pus acum 13 ani
caluseriu calin

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Salut! la toata lumea.
Am inceput finisarile finale pentru PG complete, ajutandu-i pe wiking21 si Universal in actiunea lor, si am o rugaminte:
- daca cineva are pag 74 de la PG 002, fara decupajul acela din josul paginii, il rog sa mi-o dea, sa termin cu acest numar

Acum sper sa fie bun:

[ F ] - Pif Gadget 0651 - Sept 1981 - calin

Modificat de caluseriu calin (acum 13 ani)

pus acum 13 ani

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Iata si PG 608+coperti+6p ce lipseau

Postarile mele/My posts
Postarile mele/Comice

pus acum 13 ani
caluseriu calin

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
[ F ] - Pif Gadget 0651 - refacut pag 62

pus acum 13 ani
Membru Junior

Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
PG 350 complet

pus acum 13 ani

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
cele 4 pagini lipsa din V.1162 pdf

V. 1162 cu cele 4 pagini convertite in jpg

Pt ca-l aveam in stare f buna si-l promisesem l-am scanat si eu:
V.le journal de...1162

(Le gasiti si in lista /pag 38)

Modificat de trackf (acum 13 ani)

Postarile mele/My posts
Postarile mele/Comice

pus acum 13 ani

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Vaillant 908valy51.rar (173.08 MB)

Vaillant 909valy51.rar (162.9 MB)

pus acum 13 ani
Membru Puf

Inregistrat: acum 13 ani
Pif Gadget 671

pus acum 13 ani
Membru Gold

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani

Sefistul a scris:

PG 350 complet

Pif Gadget 350 (1588) l-am convertit in format jpg

Modificat de dexterhero (acum 13 ani)

pus acum 13 ani

Inregistrat: acum 14 ani
Valillant 910valy51.rar (169.88 MB)

pus acum 13 ani
Membru Junior

Inregistrat: acum 15 ani
Din PG 66 imi lipsesc si mie pg. 73-79, nu stiu ce a fost acolo; in PG 72 la pg. 29-32 era surpriza, iar 63-66 sunt lipsa. Din nr. 83 am lipsa pg. 61-77.
Mai jos sunt pg. 65-66 din nr. 28, scanate cu margine neclara,  nu se poate mai bine, se descleiaza revista:

Modificat de Sefistul (acum 13 ani)

pus acum 13 ani
Pagini: 1 ... 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ... 45  

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