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Forum Romania Inedit / PDA / Mobile Technology / TTN7Bot & GPSBot: Possible solution to TomTom 7 and GPS programs Moderat de Crizzu, gabiandreicristian
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[APP BOT] TTN7Bot & GPSBot: Possible solution to TomTom 7 and other GPS programs lag
Requeriments; tomtom7 PDA
Overview; Made your tomtom more fast in PDA

he say;
I've written a small application that seems to solve the problem with TomTom navigator 7 that shows a position of several meters back from the real one.

Simply copy the file to the folder where TomTom_Navigator.exe (or TomTom Navigator.exe) is and launch this application instead the real TomTom.

The idea behind this file is that the lag is caused due to the full CPU usage of TomTom navigator that leaves few or even none CPU time to the GPS drivers. This bot launches TomTom and then reduces the TomTom process priority. The bot itself unloads from memory when TomTom exits.

I have tested it and seems that works Ok, but I want your opinions before making a good icon for it (icon designers wellcomed )

In order to make the program more general, I've created GPSBot that works in the same way but have a GPSBot.txt file with the name of the program to be launched between colons. As an example the zip contains a file with "TomTom_Navigator.exe". This version also needs to be copied to the same folder than the executable in order to allow to have several copies for different programs.

More Info;


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Pentru iGO8 se scrie in gps bot in txt doar "iGO8.exe" si se sterge TomTom_navigator.exe" si se pun cele doua fisiere in locul in care este amplasat si iGo8.exe de la program si se deschide programul din GPSBot si nu din iGO8.

La fel si pentru celelalte aplicatii , se scrie exact numele executabilului si se pune in locul in care se afla si executabilul , obligatoriu si GPSBot si txt-ul.
Se presupune ca elibereaza din memoria sistemului lasand loc si driverelor de la Gps sa se desfasoare si sa nu mai arate erori de locatie -/+ 5-10 m

Modificat de danero2005 (acum 16 ani)

Experience is the name we give to our mistakes!


pus acum 16 ani
Pagini: 1