Moderat de 80Inanna, Crizzu, Neo, cuculean, gabiandreicristian, maharet, maleficus
Pagini: 1
Din: Brasov
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Poanta e urmatorea : in urma cu vre-un an de zile am dat jos de pe net un program...CrazyTalk cred si am vrut sa vad ce ii poate capul. Am luat o imagine .. la intamplare ( a fost sa fie nefericita Alyx din Half-life2 ) am pus un text la plesneala si in circa 1 minut si ceva a iesit filmuletul de mai jos. Dupa un an de zile am intrat de curiozitate sa vad comenturile de pe youtube ... well .... va las si pe voi sa radeti!
P.S. daca moderatorii considera haios ii rog pe ei sa mute topicul la Funny!
filmuletul :
comenturile :
DerHalbeEuro (1 year ago) Good Work but in this Video she is uggly
anonymous160 (10 months ago) you spelled her last name wrong.
phort99 (8 months ago) Oh my god, learn to type, and learn to Google. You typed a total of 14 words for this submission (title, description, and tags) and messed up 5 of them (Vince, shor, Vinve, form, Vince). That's a 36% rate of errors. It takes less than 5 seconds to read back over what you typed, so do it. The Internet is too tolerant of this uselessness.
zlateh000 (5 months ago) Vance!! NOT VINCE!!! R-tArD
whitedawn215 (5 months ago) stupd... just stupid
GojiRules (5 months ago) OH GOD!! IT BURNS! MY EARS, THEY BLEED!
devilrpr (5 months ago) what daaaaaahhh ffffaaaaaaaaahahhhhkkkkk!!!!
vilgax123 (5 months ago) alyx vance not vince moron
94thts (5 months ago) Fucked up voice, first vince then vinve? wtf? it's Vance..
Petersaberros (5 months ago) busted, final battle will be in episode 3 :P .....propably.... and it`s Vance, not Vince
jayzak8894 (5 months ago) OMG i will never look at alyx in the same way again. I Will Not Play Half Life Again and it is your fault!! I HATE YOU! actually i need to play ep 3.
Niklasmannen (5 months ago) its vance and episode 2 isnt the last one theyre even planning episode 4
genralbiatch (5 months ago) looll eli dies
Chrisfun902 (5 months ago) lolll
alcrd (4 months ago) With all this model and texture upgrading ... Alyx gets more cute and sexier :P than some of real life porn stars ghahahahaha
alcrd (4 months ago) and ask for the vid? ... i think its made by 5yr old kid that his parents shouldn't ever let him to have a computer with internet thank you for your attention
OTVbonks (4 months ago) the series will end in ep3 retard.. and possibly hl3
wolverine005 (4 months ago) hl3 is confirmed, but its likely its just a setup for hl4 p.s. its alyx vance aint it?
NarutoWins (4 months ago) reply to Wolverine005: ye its alyx Vance im guessin the dodgy clock voice cant pronounce its A's
NathanVernon (3 months ago) and he also put vince on the title
666Edu666 (4 months ago) LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL! who is this stupid XD
Greaperman (4 months ago) ROFL, Microsoft Michelle!
gordan1154 (4 months ago) its Alyx Vance
firepower01 (4 months ago) Alyx Vance actualy
skkater1 (3 months ago) thats shit.....
skkater1 (3 months ago) thats shit.....
MarshalltheMan (3 months ago) LOOL YOU USED VOICE GENERATOR HAHAHA
joshuaflumerfelt (3 months ago) Um OK? BETTER WORDS
daladek (3 months ago)
clonewars420 (3 months ago) wtf O.O? its Alyx Vance duhh
NathanVernon (3 months ago) vance
flyby94 (3 months ago) least that was short...thats the only compliment i can give it
powerspower45 (3 months ago) its vance not vince dikhead its alyx vince......not! lol
pictizm (3 months ago) Source SDK > Face poser. 2 min job.
Him1411 (3 months ago) I know, it doesnt even match.
ijakz (2 months ago) ahahaha i thought it was a typo til she actually said vince tahts funny as helll
manther30 (2 months ago) WTF???
Wh0sThisGuY (2 months ago) oh my god...her voice sucks! But you did that?
GmodMan119 (2 months ago) alex vAnce with an A stupid, you used face poser and took screenshot after screenshot of it and played about a 2 second video about 6 times and this voice is done in a text to speech program and NO the final battle is NOT in hl2 episode 2 stupid they left it hanging when eli dies...stupid, this vid sucks
mzathemind (2 months ago) wrong there will be more games fool
KiedistheCat (2 months ago)
Alyx Vince is trapped inside this picture frame. Alyx Vance is mourning on her dad. >_>
isokessu (2 months ago) Her name is Vance and her face looks different but that picture quality is pretty good
Xerangelo (1 month ago) that is her normal face -.-'
isokessu (1 month ago) that should be her face but it's not! can't you see that is different
chickenfool121 (1 month ago) alyx have no fuckin china acent + hes vance not some vince
sajeevanx4 (1 month ago) umm wtf
taiasthegoth (1 month ago) lol freak face
SgtGhostx23 (1 month ago) booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooo YOU SUCK!!!!!!!
dogking708 (1 month ago) i think 11 seconds waste of my life
robgotpie (1 month ago) why....even bother...omg...felt compelled to moan thats like another NINE seconds of my life wasted..what am i doing? gaaaaaaaaaaah!
Haven24 (1 month ago) rob stinks of dick.
edde799 (1 month ago) vance
GLaDOSv2 (1 month ago) wow... gay
ZaneVarr (1 month ago) Yes "gay" indeed.
Lazymob (1 month ago) For fuck sake IT IS VANCE, and what is this crap about any way!
Aranica (1 month ago) Well, you certainly did a good job morphing a picture into an animation, but get the name right - It's Alyx VANCE. And next time, don't use a Text-To-Speech Engine for the voice.
natester44 (1 month ago) vance u dubass
Kennyboy0077 (1 month ago) Vance..
Freshjonng (1 month ago) uhhmm...<_<
Paumonsu (1 month ago) sup biatch
Sukkasanteri (1 month ago) ALYX VANCE vince lol i get weeks laught on that
superkoopa001 (4 weeks ago) ???
Muffinz525 (3 weeks ago) hi i are from great britain
xxDrain (3 weeks ago) that sucked. Evil forces? Blah...
alexhazyhayes (3 weeks ago) Last battle is not in episode 2 i'm afraid: they are making episode 3 and half-life 3 eventually. This video was sooooo poor.
LupoBro (3 weeks ago) its *vance not vince and shes not french!
apuvamies (2 weeks ago) This sucks
Advancedgod (2 weeks ago) MY BRAIN! IT BURNS!
ninjanamedshade (2 weeks ago) plz dont make a video like this ever again. this was so horrible.
sk8sharker (1 week ago) it's alyx VANCE!
ZombieDude323 (1 week ago) vince?????!??!?!?!
heverson46 (5 days ago) video about nothing..sorry man
SgtHydra (4 days ago) Vance, dumbass.
werandomnize (1 day ago) bah
Korushi (1 hour ago) Isnt it vance? not vince?
craaazycat (1 hour ago) thats dumb man...and its vance, by the way. waste of youtube space