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 Din: Everywhere
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Some credentials folks, about this documentary... Some facts that prove the contrary...
'The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.' Propaganda: Edward Bernays.
Al Gore and his associates in the IPCC, etc., have done a brilliant job in handing politicians and their asociates the means to empower government in a way not known since the time of the Nazi propaganda machine in the 1930s. But this propaganda has reached the global dimensions of the underlying global warming threat. This threat is not a consequence of carbon dioxide emissions by man because man produces only a piffling amount of carbon dioxide in comparison to that produced by nature including other green-house warming gasses.
Of greatest influence on climate is solar activity, and there isn't anything we can do about the sun. However, carbon dioxide emissions created by man can be quantified, and, like with anything else which can be quantified and subsequently misrepresented, taxes can be levied.
Whilst this will have negative consequences for the long term viability of western culture which has too many other threats to face at the present time, we will not be as negatively impacted as the people in the developing world. These people will be further disenfranchised with respect to the technologies that would extend their lives and enable them to prosper.
To say that Al Gore and his associates are murderers would not at all be too strong a statement. For that is what they are. Unfortunately, the ICC is not yet sanctioned to try such creatures on charges of genocide.
If you gullibly believe in Gore's Global Warming Paranoia, then you must also believe in the Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus!!!!!!!!
As some of you may know (though it'd be impossible to miss considering the lib media's all over it), Gore recently won the questionable Nobel Peace Prize for his manipulative work on climate change, climate change which, ironically enough, is totally debunked as being manmade in Chris Horner's masterpiece, the Politically Incorrect Guide To Global Warming. As a result of Gore's doubtful win--mainly by a Nobel committee which is ideologically leaning to the left by far--this has boosted his visibility and also that of the products he hawks, such as this Inconvenient Truth DVD. However, this is where I come in.
I'm concerned about folks getting ripped off by a charlatan such as Gore, especially now when Democrats are unrelentingly moaning and charging that real income's down despite Bush's tax cuts. So, my review is expressly intended as a caution, a warning and an alert for all the gullible consumers out there who may misjudge and unwisely buy this DVD just because of Gore's political/ideological Nobel win.
What many of you impressionably gullible people may not know about Gore's DVD is that the REAL, INCONVENIENT TRUTH is an English judge recently ruled that Gore's propaganda-film is not science but political, emphasizes alarmism and exaggeration over science, and now should come with a disclaimer for teachers to balance Gore's partisan opinions. This is what you indiscriminate and submissive customers are buying when you actually give your hard-earned money to Gore's propaganda: not a film based on facts, but a radicalized, liberal demagoguery planned to further the cause of socialism based on increased government regulations to increase control over the private sector. Is this really the ulterior motive that you environmentalists and Gore-sheeple want to support????!!!! Ruefully yes, despite all the demerits to your cause.
Since I care about you gullible Gore-disciples parting with your hard-earned money, I'll now outline in painstaking detail EACH OF THE NINE untruths in the Inconvenient Truth DVD.
They are:
1) Gore infects Inconvenient Truth with forgeries about the unprovable urgency of levels of devastation caused by the rise in sea levels due to insignificantly melting ice caps. Gore fabricates this rise would be in the near future, yet the consensus is actually millennia away. 2) Gore falsifies that some atolls in the Pacific had already been evacuated, yet a closer look totally solidifies that this imaginary "evacuation" has in fact not at all occurred. 3) Gore manipulatively shows two charts relating to carbon dioxide levels and temperatures over the last 650000 years and alleges they're an exact fit. This is plotted to further fan the alarmist flames of manmade global warming. However, the British judge in the case contemptuously rebuked Gore by branding this misuse of the charts as an overstatement of his case. 4) Gore hysterically purports that the Gulf Stream--which warms up the Atlantic ocean--will shut down, and this is (pathetically and emphatically) disproved by the International Panel on Climate Change's own assessment. This group itself is partisan and favors an interpretation where global warming is believed, yet their own report tarnished Gore's Gulf Stream claim as "very unlikely to happen." 5) Gore disingenuously blames the mediocre drying of Lake Chad on climate change, yet Chad's drying is more reliably blamed on less sinister causes such as population increase, regional climate variability, and overgrazing. 6) Next, Gore cunningly blames the apparent loss of Mount Kilimanjaro's snows on--anyone want to take a wild guess?--climate change, but in actuality, the judge reprimanded Gore for there not being a direct link that the scientific community could find. 7) Similarly, Gore mindlessly holds climate change accountable for Hurricane Katrina (instead of blaming the chronically inept, Democratic state/local governments of Blanco and Nagin for its mishandled aftermath!!!!), yet there again, the scientific community has no consensus linking that to climate change. 8) Gore fiendishly plots to tug at the heartstrings of liberals by contriving that those poor, defenseless creatures called polar bears were actually drowning in their hopeless struggle of finding some icy habitats within all that melting from "global warming." However, the judge could only find four bears which died after a storm, also not caused by climate change. 9) Gore underhandedly blames coral bleaching on--c'mon everyone, take another wild guess!!!!--climate change, yet the judge ruled that separating direct impacts of climate change on coral beaching from other factors was difficult, if not impossible.
There you have it, Gore-sheeple. I've confronted all of your ideological yet undeserved trust in Gore and discredited it using widely available facts. After this absolute, irrefutable debunking of your ideologue, Gore, you Gore sycophants have no further excuse for buying this DVD propaganda!!!! If you truly want to contribute to something positive, spare the money you'd give to Gore and instead donate it to some dependable, American charities that follow their money. To do anything else at this point would be mortifying and reduce you further to laughingstocks.
Find and watch this movie " The Great Global Warming Swindle " by BBC You can download it right here:
2009-07-10 80Inanna edit: The Great Global Warming Swindle îl puteţi descărca de aici.
Modificat de niksonmd (acum 16 ani)
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