Din: Allien's Cave
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
gameplay takes place in a real-time three-dimensional fantasy landscape. As such it has drawn comparison with The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion[citation needed], although in actual gameplay and design it is similar to Gothic 3.
Much like in Oblivion and Gothic 3, the gameplay is non-linear. The player is free to explore the game world, accepting side quests at will, and in no particular order. There is however, a core quest, centering around rescuing the protagonist's sister, who is being held for ransom by mysterious forces who are scheming to open the tomb of Aziraal (the god of the orcs).
The game does not utilize the fixed character classes, familiar from traditional role playing games, such as a Warrior, Magician, or Thief. As the character gains experiences and levels, it is possible to invest these gained Attribute Points into any attribute leading to a variety of game play styles and approaches. Also, by achieving certain objectives, the player will gain a number of Skill Points which can be used to further personalize his/her character.
The "world" you travel through is called Antaloor. While traveling through the game the player will encounter new teleports, caves, villages, and other locations, and these travels are recorded by the in-game mini-map. Teleports allow rapid travel between explored regions. Horses are available for the player to ride as well as other animals/creatures; though a number of commentators have lamented the clumsy controls when mounted, and many players choose to avoid this option.
Death in the game leads to resurrection at a nearby shrine; these shrines are distributed across the game world, and also replenish health when the player comes in sufficient proximity.
There is an abundance of different animals (especially wild animals) in Two Worlds. Among others, the player will encounter wolves, bears, rabbits, small dinosaur-like animals, ghosts, and massive dragons. In both the single-player and multi-player game modes enemies will not respawn, although most areas are densely populated.[5]
In the PC version, character movement uses WASD, while camera/crosshair movement is done with the mouse. The basic attack (to hit with a melee weapon or to draw an arrow with a bow) is done with left-click while right-click is used for spells and abilities. A hotbar in the bottom left-hand corner decides which skill or ability is attributed to right-click and can be cycled through using the X key.
Beyond the main quest there is no set storyline to follow, the player is free to choose to complete the quests of his liking, and explore at will. The player may choose to act as a righteous hero and be honoured amongst the population, or devilishly evil and feared, through reputation gained by completing certain quests. However, the path chosen will have consequences on the outcome of the game.
NCAA March Madness 08 has a plethora of rich details that brings the college game to life, including new authentic arenas, new player models with form-fitting uniforms, breakaway basketball hoop rims, and the ability of players to slap the backboard on layups. The game also features custom playbooks for each team through the Floor General Playcalling system, the EA SPORTS Lockdown Stick that enables your players to pressure the ball, force turnovers and harass opponents on the court, a deeper Dynasty Mode that lets you build your school into a national powerhouse, the Pre and Post season NIT and the McDonald's High School All American game and an online feature set that includes customized leagues and ESPN on Demand.
Also included in NCAA March Madness 08 has created a strategic new gameplay experience called Dynamic Post Play that enables you to take complete control over running your offense through the post, and defending your opponent in the paint.
Soldier of Fortune (also known as SoF) is a first-person shooter game created by Raven Software and published by Activision on March 27, 2000 for Microsoft Windows. It uses a modified Quake II engine. It was later released on the Sony PlayStation 2 as well as the Sega Dreamcast. Loki Software also made a port for Linux. Based on its success, Raven Software and Activision later published Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix in 2002 based on the Quake III: Team Arena engine. Initially released for Windows, the sequel was later ported to the Xbox. A third game in the series, Soldier of Fortune: Payback was released on November 14th, 2007. Background
Soldier of Fortune was developed to be based on the Soldier of Fortune magazine. About midway through the game's development, Raven Software hired a professional mercenary, John Mullins, to act as a consultant on the game for purposes of realism and accuracy. A fictional version of Mullins was eventually made into the game's main character.
Soldier of Fortune was one of the first "real-world" first-person shooters, with modern weapons and human opponents, as opposed to more fantasy/sci-fi oriented games like Doom or Duke Nukem 3D.
The story involves the theft of nuclear weapons, and the main enemy turns out to be an Afrikaner Neo-Nazi group based in Germany, led by Sergei Dekker. At the beginning of the game, terrorists steal four nuclear weapons from a storage facility in Russia, and proceed to sell them to various Third World nations. This is a prelude to the acquisition of advanced Weapons of mass destruction by this terrorist group.
John Mullins, working as a Soldier of Fortune for a US-based mercenary organization known only as "The Shop", and his partner, Aaron "Hawk" Parsons, are assigned to prevent the nukes from falling into the wrong hands, and stop the terrorists in their plans.
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Play through the º Å¹Û ÛÌÅ º eyes of an American GI as you experience intense, no holds º Å¹Û ÛÌÅ º barred action against an opponent for which surrender isn't º Å¹Û ÛÌÅ º an option! Fire authentic allied and axis weaponry including º Å¹Û ÛÌÅ º sub-machine guns, sniper rifles, anti-aircraft guns, º Å¹Û ÛÌÅ º pistols, and grenades Relive History - each level begins º Å¹Û ÛÌÅ º with a documentary video featuring actual battle footage, º Å¹Û ÛÌÅ º key facts and statistics, and the importance that the battle º Å¹Û ÛÌÅ º ultimately played in the allied victory. º Å¹Û ÛÌÅ º º Å¹Û ÛÌÅ º NOTE: Thats it. New tag for you guys. RF means REGION FREE, º Å¹Û ÛÌÅ º so update your scripts for easy trading and... º Å¹Û ÛÌÅ º Enjoy one more release from MARVEL TEAM! Race race race! º Å¹Û ÛÌÅ º º Å¹Û ÛÌÅ ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ Å¹Û ÛÜÜ ßÜÜ ÜÜß ÜÜÝÛ ÛßÛÛÛÜÜÛßÛÜ ÜßßÜ ÜßßÜ ÜßßÛ Û Ü ÜßßÜ ÛÜ Û ÜßßÛ ÛßßÜ ÜßßÜ Üßß ÜÛßÛÜÜÛÛÛß¹Û ÛÌÅ ßßßßÛÛÛÝ Û ÜÜ ÛÜÜß Û Û Û Û Û Û Û ßÛ Û Û Û Üß ßßÛ ÞÛÛÛßßßß Å¹Û ÛÌÅ ß ßÜÜß Û Û ÛÜÜß ßÜÜß Ûßß Û Û ÛÜÜß Û ßÜÜÛ ÛÜÜß ß Å¹Û ÛÌÅ Å¹Û ÛÌÅ ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» Å¹Û ÛÌÅ º º Å¹Û ÛÌÅ º Do you wanna join our group? º Å¹Û ÛÌÅ º Do you think you have anything that we might be interest? º Å¹Û ÛÌÅ º Then do not hesitate and contact us! º Å¹Û ÛÌÅ º º Å¹Û ÛÌÅ º CONTACT: You should know how. º Å¹Û ÛÌÅ º º Å¹Û ÛÌÅ º Btw, if you think the game worths, support the authors by º Å¹Û ÛÌÅ º buying the original one... º Å¹Û ÛÌÅ º º Å¹Û ÛÌÅ ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ Å¹Û ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ .__________________________.-..__.-...-..___.-..________________________///. `--_______________/---------___//--|_||//|_||---------_________________/'
5. The Golden Compass
Discover a world of mystery and danger in The Golden Compass, the upcoming action adventure video game based on the best-selling novel by Philip Pullman and the major motion picture from New Line Cinema. Going beyond the film you can experience the unforgettable journey through the eyes of protagonist Lyra Belacqua on a quest to rescue her imprisoned uncle and kidnapped best friend. Joining Lyra on her mission is her spirit daemon, Pan, as well as a giant and powerful armored bear, Iorek, and the mysterious Golden Compass – a truth-telling device that will help lead the way.
The Golden Compass promises to bring the beloved story to life through adventure and harrowing action sequences. As Lyra, players will evade dangers and traverse a magical landscape while uncovering the secret behind the disappearance of her friend and uncle. And as Iorek, the fearsome armored bear, players will smash through obstacles and enemies in order to protect Lyra along her way. Their travels will take them through a collection of unique locations, such as the port town Trollesund and a dark and foreboding research station in Bolvangar as well as areas not seen in the film. Together Lyra, Pan and Iorek embark on an epic journey of action, exploration, collaboration and discovery.
# Authenticity to the movie: The official videogame of The Golden Compass movie from New Line Cinema brings to life characters, locations and scenes sure to captivate movie fans around the world as well as delivering film footage to guide you through the journey. # Vivid characters are brought to interactive life: Featuring the likenesses of the movie’s impressive cast, which includes Nicole Kidman as Mrs. Coulter, Daniel Craig as Lord Asriel and newcomer Dakota Blue Richards as Lyra Belacqua. # Heroic action sequences: Travel into the frozen north as the rebellious and headstrong heroine Lyra who uses her cunning to evade enemies. Or charge forward as her powerful friend and protector Iorek – a giant armored bear able to overcome any challenge with his brute strength. # Discover a powerful bond greater than friendship. Experience the collaborative bond between Lyra and her unique animal-companion Pan who has the ability to morph into four different creatures to help Lyra navigate her way around obstacles throughout her perilous journey. # Explore a parallel universe: Immerse yourself in the world of The Golden Compass movie and discover 11 otherworldly vistas, including locations not seen in the theatrical release. # Use quick wit to discover and evade. Participate in a variety of embedded mini-games to help Lyra gain further information about her expedition and avoid enemy confrontation. # The Golden Compass will lead the way. Use the truth-telling Golden Compass to solve in-game puzzles and unlock bonus content allowing players to explore the worlds as seen in the movie.
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7. The Darkness
The Darkness
* Release Date: 06/22/07 * File Name: wrx-darkn.part.rar
* File Size: 64 X 100 MO * Platform: XBOX360
* Format: ISO * Origin: PAL MULTI 5 UK/IT/FR/DE/SP
* Source: DVD9
Based on the best-selling Top Cow comic book The Darkness casts players as Jackie Estacado a fearless Mafia hitman for the Franchetti crime family who is suddenly possessed by the terrifying and spectacular powers of The Darkness. Throughout the game, players must learn to control and harness The Darkness power in order to overthrow the vicious mob boss and fulfill their destiny
The Darkness features a seamless and unique blend of modern crime drama and supernatural horror through first and third-person, non-linear gameplay Utilizing the Starbreeze engine for next generation consoles, The Darkness features single and online multi-player action across highly realistic environments
8. Assassin's Creed
Rel.Date.: 11/10/07 Platform.: X360 Genre....: Action Source...: PAL Languages: Multi Format...: .dvd Size.....: 1 DVD
The first game in the Assassin’s Creed franchise is set in 1191 AD, when the Third Crusade was tearing the Holy Land apart. Shrouded in secrecy and feared for their ruthlessness, the Assassins intend to stop the hostilities by suppressing both sides of the conflict. Players, assuming the role of the main character Altair, will have the power to throw their immediate environment into chaos and to shape events during this pivotal moment in history.
9. Call Of Duty 4 Modern Warfare
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare introduces a variety of game play styles into the single player campaign completely new to the Call of Duty series. The game moves away from the standard three country-specific campaign style, and allows the plot to play through more like a film style plot with interlaced story lines from the perspective of the player as Paul Jackson, a member of the United States Marine Corps 1st Force Recon and "Soap" MacTavish, a member of the British 22nd SAS Regiment. There is also a variety of cameo-style missions where you play as various other soldiers such as an AC-130 Spectre Gunship gunner, or as one part of a two-man sniper team behind enemy lines in a flashback-style mission.
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare focuses on the variation of modern warfare as an infantry soldier by allowing the player to control soldiers in a vast number of different scenarios, straying away from the constant straightforward action of previous Call of Duty titles and allowing for both heavy intensity fire fights and slower paced drama styled intensity. The series' move to modern warfare has also introduced a variety of new modern weapons and technology to be introduced to the Call of Duty franchise. Such showcased weapons and attachments include M203 grenade launchers, and the AN/PEQ-2 Target Pointer for use in conjunction with night vision goggles, MP5SD submachine guns, the M4A1 Grenadier, and the FGM-148 Javelin portable anti-tank guided missile among many others.
Procesor: Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 2,4 GHZ @ 2.64 GhZ Placa de baza: ASUS P5NE-SLI Placa Video: ASUS GeForce 8600 GT Silent Memorie: 2 X Kingston 1 GB 880 mhz + 2 x 2 Kingston Hyper X 2 GB@ 880 mhz HDD: 2 x Seagate @ 320 GB 7200.10 NCQ Case: G-Alantic GA808ATXBK DualBoot: Windows 7 Ultimate + Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.5
Samsung Galaxy S