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Forum Romania Inedit / Emulatoare / Tutorial Unbrick/Downgrade Any PSP Moderat de maharet
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Membru Puf

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Adrahil, Booster, Cswindle, Dark_AleX, Ditlew, Fanjita, Joek2100, Jim, Mathieulh, Nem, Psp250, Skylark and TyRaNiD si desigur x-land pentru traducerea in romana

Pregatire programe si baterie service:

Download Pandora's Battery: The resurrection of the deads
Download Sony Official Firmware 1.5     

Avem nevoie de :
1. un Memory Card Pro Duo
2. un PSP cu 1.5 oficial sau orice custom firmware (eu am folosit pe 3.52 M33-3)
3. o baterie oficiala (puteti folosi si bateria care o aveti la PSP dar trebuie sa o returnati la starea normala dupa folosire (nu uitati sa faceti back-up la eepromul bateriei si sa aveti incarcator pentru a putea porni consola))

PSP: Pornim PSP-ul in kernel 1.5 (din recovery menu schimbam kernel-ul)
PSP: Activam USB connection
PC: De pe calculator sub windows formatam Memory Stick-ul (FAT32).
PC: Dam Start --> Run ---> cmd si se deschide fereastra de comenzi.
PC: Mergem in directorul unde am instalat utilitarul. Intram in directorul "mspformat" (cd mspformat)
PC: Dam comanda mspformat drive (unde drive este litera sub care vedem PSP-ul in explorer; "g" de exemplu)
PC: Memory Stick-ul va fi formatat la nivel logic.
PC: Pe Stick cream directorul "PSP" iar in el "GAME".
PC: In Game copiem ce se gaseste in directoarele "installer" si "battery" din utilitar.
PC: In root la memory (nu director, direct in radacina) copiem 1.5 official firmware cu numele UPDATE.PBP
PSP: Decuplam functia USB la PSP, scoatem card-ul si il introducem din nou.
PSP: Mergem pe memory stick si lansam aplicatia de instalare de firmware.
Va fi creat pe card un fisier msipl.bin.
PSP: Mergem din nou la USB connection si activam functia.
PC: Intram pe calculator si copiem fisierul msipl.bin de pe memory card in directorul msinst de pe calculator.
PC: Din fereastra "cmd" in directorul "msinst" de la utilitar dam comanda: msinst drive msipl.bin (unde drive este litera sub care vedem PSP-ul in explorer)
PSP: Iesim de pe usb si scoatem memory stick-ul dupa care il bagam la loc.
PSP: Mergem pe PSP pe card si lansam aplicatia de creare baterie.
PSP: Facem intii back-up la eeprom-ul bateriei (apasam triunghi).
PSP: Lansam din nou aplicatia si modificam bateria pentru "service".

In acest moment avem pregatit memory card-ul si bateria.

Downgrade orice PSP cu orice firmware (inclusiv 3.52 oficial sony) la firmware 1.5 oficial Sony (testat de mine pe mainboard TA079 cu 3.52 oficial)

1. PSP de downgradat
2. Memory stick-ul pregatit in etapa anterioara
3. Bateria de service pregatita in etapa anterioara

Introducem memory card-ul in PSP
Introducem bateria in PSP (bateria sa fie incarcata cel putin 50%)
Va aparea automat meniul de service.
Apasam O pentru a face backup la flash-ul consolei (recomandat pentru a avea in siguranta IDStorage-ul).
Apasam X pentru a face downgrade la 1.5.
Apasam X cind termina.
Cind este gata scoatem bateria de service si introducem una normala.
Vom avea ecranul albastru pentru "Default Settings", apasam O si pargurgem pasii ceruti dupa care vom avea o consola cu 1.5 firmware.
Copiem de pe card fisierul nand-dump.bin pe calculator si il pastram pentru situatii de urgenta. (in el este IDStorage-ul consolei)
De acum urmati procedura de update la un custom firmware (3.40 OE-A, 3.52 M33-4)

Unbrick PSP (testat pe TA079 brick-uit intentionat la 50% din update la 3.52)

1. PSP brick-uit
2. Memory stick-ul pregatit in etapa anterioara
3. Bateria de service pregatita in etapa anterioara

Introducem memory card-ul in PSP
Introducem bateria in PSP (bateria sa fie incarcata cel putin 50%)
Va aparea automat meniul de service.
Apasam O pentru a face backup la flash-ul consolei (recomandat pentru a avea in siguranta IDStorage-ul).
Apasam X pentru a reface firmware-ul (optiunea de downgrade dar a functionat si pentru unbrick).
Apasam X cind termina.
Cind este gata scoatem bateria de service si introducem una normala.
Vom avea ecranul albastru pentru "Default Settings", apasam O si pargurgem pasii ceruti dupa care vom avea o consola cu 1.5 firmware.
Copiem de pe card fisierul nand-dump.bin pe calculator si il pastram pentru situatii de urgenta. (in el este IDStorage-ul consolei)
De acum urmati procedura de update la un custom firmware (3.40 OE-A, 3.52 M33-4)

Refacere baterie din "mod service" in "mod normal" (testat de mine cu bateria cu care am lucrat)

1. PSP pe care functioneaza homebrew
2. Bateria de service care dorim sa o readucem la normal
3. Incarcator
4. Memory Stick-ul creat in prima etapa. (in root sa avem eeprom.bin facut de la bateria de service)

Alimentam PSP-ul la incarcator fara sa aibe bateria pusa.
Pornim PSP-ul.
Introducem bateria de service.
Mergem pe memory card si lansam aplicatia "Battery Creator"
Apasam "L+R" (Flash battery eeprom from ms0:/eeprom.bin)
Va fi rescris eepromul si va putea fi folosita din nou ca baterie normala.

Nu raspund daca va stricati consola urmand procedura de mai sus. Tot ce faceti faceti pe propriul risc si propria raspundere.
Daca nu va descurcati APASATI AICI pentru Pandora kit for free

Dupa ce aveti facut memory stick`ul si bateria

1. Scoateti din consola Memory Card-ul detinut si bateria ei.
2. Introduceti Memory Card-ul Pandora in consola
3. Introduceti bateria de service (Pandora)
4. Consola va porni singura si va fi afisat un meniu.
5. Apasati "O" pentru a face back-up la flash-ul original (asteptati sa termine).
6. Apasati "X" pentru a face downgrade sau pentru a unbrick-ui consola.
7. Daca aveti placa TA082 sau TA086 veti fi intrebat daca acceptati sa o patch-uiti pentru downgrade. Apasati "X".
8. Asteptati sa termine operatiunea si apasati "X" pentru Shutdown.
9. Scoateti bateria de service si introduceti bateria personala.
10. Porniti consola normal.
11.1 Daca porneste si nu vedeti nimic pe ecran dupa citeva secunde apasati butonul de lumina display si trebuie sa aveti ecran albastru cu cerinta de apasare buton "O" pentru revenire. Apasati "O" si urmati pasii ceruti.
11.2 Daca apare ecran albastru cu cerinta de apasare buton "O" pentru revenire. Apasati "O" si urmati pasii ceruti.
12. Mergeti la "USB Connection" si cuplati consola la calculator.
13. In root, pe memory card o sa aveti dump-ul efectuat cu numele nan-dump.bin.
14. Copiati-l pe calculator pentru a avea IDStorage-ul de rezerva.
15. Stergeti NUMAI fisierul nand-dump.bin de pe memory card
16. Decuplati consola de la USB si scoateti Memory Card-ul.
In acest moment ati terminat cu downgrade-ul sau unbrick-ul si aveti instalat firmware 1.5 oficial.

d(^_-)b A Day Without Music Is A Lost Day

pus acum 17 ani
Membru Puf

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
cam asa se foloseste Pandora dupa ce avem memory stickul si bateria facuta

Atentie !!!!!!!

Aveti nevoie de un PSP bun ca sa faceti MS si Baterie PANDORA adica un PSP cu 1.5 oficial sau orice custom firmware pe care sa se poata rula aplicatii .....cereti de la colegu , prietenul ...s.a.m.d...daca aveti PSP`ul Brickuit....

bateria care merge este :

- Sony "standard" Li-ion 1800 mAh        cea de la PSP
- Sony PSP-280 2200mAh
- Datel, PSP Battery 3600 mAh (X2)
- Datel, PSP Battery 1800 Max Power
- Datel, PSP Battery GO MAX (Model # GM1000, uses AAA batteries) note: If u remove the batteries, it resets the serial back to all 0's

nu merge :

- 3.6v 3600 mAh Battery Pack (Silver letters) (Model PSP-360) (Fake)
- 2600 mAh Mega Battery Pack (Fake)
- Atomic Battery Pack 3.6V 1800mAh
- Sony PSP-280 2200mAh (Fake)
- Sony PSP Bloc-Battery pack 3.6v 1800 mAh
- Battery 3600mAh, unknown brand, (china made model NK-RH008) (Fake)
- Battery Pack, unknown brand, (lithium) 3.6v 3600 mAH (Fake)
- Intec 1800 mAh Li-ion
- Intec 2200 mAh
- UltraLast e-Boost 3.7v 2200mAh Li-PO battery

iar memory cardurile compatibile sunt :

Sony 2GB Memory Stick Pro Duo High Speed
Sony 1GB Memory Stick Pro Duo
Sony 512MB Memory Stick Pro Duo
Sony 256MB Memory Stick Pro Duo
ALL SONY's MS w/ tag Pro Duo

Blue Lexar 2GB Memory Stick Pro Duo
Black Lexar 1GB Memory Stick Pro Duo
ALL LEXAR's MS w/ tag Pro Duo

SanDisk 4GB Memory Stick Pro Duo
SanDisk 1GB Memory Stick Pro Duo
SanDisk 512MB Memory Stick Pro Duo
ALL SANDISK's MS w/ tag Pro Duo

nu sunt bune:

Sony 2GB Memory Stick Pro Duo High Speed
ALL FAKES MS w/ tag Pro Duo

nu uitati sa faceti back-up la eepromul bateriei pentru refacere baterie din "mod service" in "mod normal   ............BAFTA 22ROR...........

Modificat de Jun1or4u (acum 17 ani)

d(^_-)b A Day Without Music Is A Lost Day

pus acum 17 ani
Membru Senior

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Da intradevar merge !!!!

Si eu am folosit aceiasi metoda !!!

Multumitii lui "Jun1or4u"

Mie mia fost sila sa fac un tutorial !!!!        

pus acum 17 ani
Membru Senior

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Alo oameni buni apropo !!!!!

Nu mai fiti plante, ganditi ca deaia aveti cap !!!

cum ma puteti intreba !!!

" mai bubule cum ajung la 3.71 M33 "

cand eu am pus mura in gura si a mai pus si alcineva !!!!

cititi si poturile din urma si apoi puneti intrebari idioate !!!!

pus acum 17 ani
Membru Senior

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Jun1or4u a facut un tutorial frumos !!!
dar prea stufos multi o sa-si prinda urechile in el !!!

pus acum 17 ani
Membru Puf

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani

bubu64 a scris:

Jun1or4u a facut un tutorial frumos !!!
dar prea stufos multi o sa-si prinda urechile in el !!!

pai la`m facut ... ca sa inteleaga lumea ...... eu am reusit cu aceasta metoda sa imi fac PSP`ul si bateria am facut`o la normal ....sper sa inteleaga cat mai multi......

d(^_-)b A Day Without Music Is A Lost Day

pus acum 17 ani

Din: galati
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
am un psp 3.71M33 pot sa-l folosesc sa creez o baterie bandora, nu??sau trebuie sa am 3.52M33????

Drive hard, party harder

M33 is for the PSP what AMG is for Mercedes-Benz

pus acum 17 ani
Membru Puf

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani

djcosi a scris:

am un psp 3.71M33 pot sa-l folosesc sa creez o baterie bandora, nu??sau trebuie sa am 3.52M33????

da sigur ca poti ...poti cu 1.5 si versiune custom dar trebuie sa aiba kernel 1.5 adica sa poti rula p el aplicatii de gen "homebrew"

d(^_-)b A Day Without Music Is A Lost Day

pus acum 17 ani
Membru Junior

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Fratilor Care ati facut ... si va mers explicati-mi si mie k mine nu imi aprare msipl.bin.....

pus acum 17 ani
Membru Puf

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani

BeF-star a scris:

Fratilor Care ati facut ... si va mers explicati-mi si mie k mine nu imi aprare msipl.bin.....

eu am folosit`o de 2 ori deja .....incearca sa formatezi cardu din windows urma il formatezi la nivel logig cu comanda mspformat .......dupa creezi pe stick directorul "PSP" iar in el "GAME".
In Game copiezi ce se gaseste in directoarele "installer" si "battery" din utilitar dupa care pornesti Pandora Firmwere installer "instalare de firmware."....trebuie sa ai versiune custom d PSP ca sa iti mearga ......

d(^_-)b A Day Without Music Is A Lost Day

pus acum 17 ani

Din: galati
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani

Jun1or4u a scris:

djcosi a scris:

am un psp 3.71M33 pot sa-l folosesc sa creez o baterie bandora, nu??sau trebuie sa am 3.52M33????

da sigur ca poti ...poti cu 1.5 si versiune custom dar trebuie sa aiba kernel 1.5 adica sa poti rula p el aplicatii de gen "homebrew"

Cum verific daca are kernel de 1.5??eu stia ca acest lucru se face din recovery mode, am intrat, m-am uitat si nu am gasit stiam ca jocurile cso sunt de tip homebrew, asta inseamna ca ruleaza homebrew, nu???

Drive hard, party harder

M33 is for the PSP what AMG is for Mercedes-Benz

pus acum 17 ani
Membru Senior

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani

djcosi a scris:

Cum verific daca are kernel de 1.5??eu stia ca acest lucru se face din recovery mode, am intrat, m-am uitat si nu am gasit stiam ca jocurile cso sunt de tip homebrew, asta inseamna ca ruleaza homebrew, nu???

Rulezi o aplicati Homebrew, daca nu merge inseamna ca nu ai !!!!

pus acum 17 ani
Membru Puf

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani

djcosi a scris:

Jun1or4u a scris:

djcosi a scris:

am un psp 3.71M33 pot sa-l folosesc sa creez o baterie bandora, nu??sau trebuie sa am 3.52M33????

da sigur ca poti ...poti cu 1.5 si versiune custom dar trebuie sa aiba kernel 1.5 adica sa poti rula p el aplicatii de gen "homebrew"

Cum verific daca are kernel de 1.5??eu stia ca acest lucru se face din recovery mode, am intrat, m-am uitat si nu am gasit stiam ca jocurile cso sunt de tip homebrew, asta inseamna ca ruleaza homebrew, nu???

nu homebrew sunt cele c intra in game game150 ....... aici gasesti patchu pt 1.5 ? e bun si pt 3.71

d(^_-)b A Day Without Music Is A Lost Day

pus acum 17 ani
Membru Puf

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Buna asi avea si eu nevoie de un pic de ajutor , pe luna viitoare o sa achizitionez un psp slim si asi vrea sa stiu de ce am nevoie ca sa al deblochez sa pot juca jocuri de pe memory stick "isouri , si emulatoare" .
A si azi cautand pe net am descoperit ceva de genul :
Firmware 1.50
Pandora's Battery Files

Here's how I got it to work:

Step 1: Extract the .ZIP file.

Step 2: Insert the memory stick that you want to turn into a "magic memory stick." Back up the contents of the stick to your computer.

Step 3: Use the built-in format tool (in the PSP System Settings menu) to reformat your memory stick.

Step 4: Connect your PSP in USB mode.

Step 5: Open a command prompt (Start -> Run -> cmd)

Step 6: In the command prompt, switch into the 'mspformat' folder you extracted in step 1... wherever you put it.

Step 7: Type "mspformat X" where X is the drive of your PSP. Do not include the colon. For example, my PSP is connected at O:, so I type "mspformat O".

You should see a prompt like this:

>>> C:\psp\pandora\mspformat>mspformat.exe O
>>> You are about to format the drive O.
>>> All data will be lost. Do you want to continue? [Y]

Type 'y'.

>>> y

and you should see

>>> Drive succesfully formatted, and partition moved.

Step 8: Disconnect from USB mode, then remove and re-insert your memory stick. Reconnect in USB mode.

Step 9: On your memory stick, make sure that you have folders named GAME and GAME150 in a folder named PSP. If you don't have them, make them.

Step 10: Copy the two folders from 'battery' into GAME (for 1.50) or GAME150 (for custom firmware). The folders should be named "pandora_battery" and "pandora_battery%", so they should be \PSP\GAME\pandora_battery and \PSP\GAME\pandora_battery% (or \PSP\GAME150\pandora_battery and \PSP\GAME150\pandora_battery%).

Step 11: Disconnect from USB mode, insert the battery you wish to use as your unbricker, and run "Pandora's Battery Creator" from the Memory Stick section of the GAME menu.

Step 12: ***OPTIONAL - SEE NOTE *** Press Triangle to back up the contents of your battery's flash into a file on you memory stick. The program will automatically exit. Run "Pandora's Battery Creator" one more time. *Note:* This step is REQUIRED if you want to make this a normal battery again; otherwise it's optional.

Step 13: Press X to turn your battery into an unbricking battery (a Service Mode battery). The program will automatically exit.

Step 14: Connect in USB mode.

Step 15: Copy the Firmware 1.50 update file onto the root of your memory stick; it should be the same place as your "PSP" folder. Rename it to "UPDATE.PBP".

Step 16: The extracted folder "installer" contains two folders. Copy both of these into the same place you copied "pandora_battery".

Step 17: Disconnect from USB mode and run "Pandora's Battery Firm. Installer" from the Memory Stick section of the GAME menu.

Step 18: Press X to unpack the 1.50 firmware files into their proper place on your memory stick. The program will automatically exit. If this step fails, go back into USB mode and rename "UPDATE.PBP" to just "UPDATE", then try again.

Step 19: Connect in USB mode. Look in the root of your memory stick (where you have the PSP folder and the UPDATE.PBP file). There should be a file named "msipl.bin".

Step 20: Copy "msipl.bin" into the folder called "msinst" that was extracted from the ZIP file.

Step 21: In the Command Prompt, switch into the "msinst" folder... wherever you put it.

Step 22: Type "msinst X msipl.bin" where X is the drive of your PSP. Do not include the colon. For example, my PSP is connected at O:, so I type "msinst O msipl.bin".

You should see a prompt like this. I guarantee that your stuff will be slightly different; it depends on how your computer is set up, what sort of memory stick you have, and so on. As long as you get the "Are You Sure? [Y]" prompt, you know that the msipl.bin file is OK.

>>> C:\psp\pandora\msinst>msinst O msipl.bin
>>> PSP MS IPL Installer
>>> Load IPL code msipl.bin
>>> 241664 bytes(59 block) readed
>>> Target DRIVE is 7
>>> Check partation Sector
>>> boot status        0x80
>>> start head         0x05
>>> start sec/cyl    0x0004
>>> partation type     0x06
>>> last head          0x0F
>>> last sec/cyl     0xB7E0
>>> abs sector   0x00000810
>>> ttl sector   0x000767F0
>>> signature        0xAA55
>>> Check BPB Sector
>>> signature        AA55
>>> Check free reserved sector:OK
>>> Write ABS Sector 0x10 to 0x1E7
>>> Are You Sure ?[Y]

Type 'y'.

>>> y

and you should see

>>> Write MS BOOT CODE

That means that you now have a "magic" memory stick.

You're all set!

To unbrick a bricked PSP (this part's a lot easier, I promise):

1. With a working PSP or memory stick reader, copy the firmware 1.50 update file into the root of the "magic" memory stick, namd UPDATE.PBP, just like in step 15 above.
2. Insert the "magic" memory stick.
3. Insert the unbricker battery. Your wifi, memory stick, and power lights should all turn on temporarily, and a menu should appear.
4. Press X. After it checks the update file, you should get another menu.
5. Press X to write Firmware 1.50 onto the PSP.

That's it... just let it work!

Deci ca sa inteleg nu am nevoie doar de un mem stick de 250 ????? 
Pls am nevoie de un raspuns ty ty ty

pus acum 17 ani
Membru Puf

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani

darkpif a scris:

Buna asi avea si eu nevoie de un pic de ajutor , pe luna viitoare o sa achizitionez un psp slim si asi vrea sa stiu de ce am nevoie ca sa al deblochez sa pot juca jocuri de pe memory stick "isouri , si emulatoare" .
A si azi cautand pe net am descoperit ceva de genul :
Firmware 1.50
Pandora's Battery Files

Here's how I got it to work:

Step 1: Extract the .ZIP file.

Step 2: Insert the memory stick that you want to turn into a "magic memory stick." Back up the contents of the stick to your computer.

Step 3: Use the built-in format tool (in the PSP System Settings menu) to reformat your memory stick.

Step 4: Connect your PSP in USB mode.

Step 5: Open a command prompt (Start -> Run -> cmd)

Step 6: In the command prompt, switch into the 'mspformat' folder you extracted in step 1... wherever you put it.

Step 7: Type "mspformat X" where X is the drive of your PSP. Do not include the colon. For example, my PSP is connected at O:, so I type "mspformat O".

You should see a prompt like this:

>>> C:\psp\pandora\mspformat>mspformat.exe O
>>> You are about to format the drive O.
>>> All data will be lost. Do you want to continue? [Y]

Type 'y'.

>>> y

and you should see

>>> Drive succesfully formatted, and partition moved.

Step 8: Disconnect from USB mode, then remove and re-insert your memory stick. Reconnect in USB mode.

Step 9: On your memory stick, make sure that you have folders named GAME and GAME150 in a folder named PSP. If you don't have them, make them.

Step 10: Copy the two folders from 'battery' into GAME (for 1.50) or GAME150 (for custom firmware). The folders should be named "pandora_battery" and "pandora_battery%", so they should be \PSP\GAME\pandora_battery and \PSP\GAME\pandora_battery% (or \PSP\GAME150\pandora_battery and \PSP\GAME150\pandora_battery%).

Step 11: Disconnect from USB mode, insert the battery you wish to use as your unbricker, and run "Pandora's Battery Creator" from the Memory Stick section of the GAME menu.

Step 12: ***OPTIONAL - SEE NOTE *** Press Triangle to back up the contents of your battery's flash into a file on you memory stick. The program will automatically exit. Run "Pandora's Battery Creator" one more time. *Note:* This step is REQUIRED if you want to make this a normal battery again; otherwise it's optional.

Step 13: Press X to turn your battery into an unbricking battery (a Service Mode battery). The program will automatically exit.

Step 14: Connect in USB mode.

Step 15: Copy the Firmware 1.50 update file onto the root of your memory stick; it should be the same place as your "PSP" folder. Rename it to "UPDATE.PBP".

Step 16: The extracted folder "installer" contains two folders. Copy both of these into the same place you copied "pandora_battery".

Step 17: Disconnect from USB mode and run "Pandora's Battery Firm. Installer" from the Memory Stick section of the GAME menu.

Step 18: Press X to unpack the 1.50 firmware files into their proper place on your memory stick. The program will automatically exit. If this step fails, go back into USB mode and rename "UPDATE.PBP" to just "UPDATE", then try again.

Step 19: Connect in USB mode. Look in the root of your memory stick (where you have the PSP folder and the UPDATE.PBP file). There should be a file named "msipl.bin".

Step 20: Copy "msipl.bin" into the folder called "msinst" that was extracted from the ZIP file.

Step 21: In the Command Prompt, switch into the "msinst" folder... wherever you put it.

Step 22: Type "msinst X msipl.bin" where X is the drive of your PSP. Do not include the colon. For example, my PSP is connected at O:, so I type "msinst O msipl.bin".

You should see a prompt like this. I guarantee that your stuff will be slightly different; it depends on how your computer is set up, what sort of memory stick you have, and so on. As long as you get the "Are You Sure? [Y]" prompt, you know that the msipl.bin file is OK.

>>> C:\psp\pandora\msinst>msinst O msipl.bin
>>> PSP MS IPL Installer
>>> Load IPL code msipl.bin
>>> 241664 bytes(59 block) readed
>>> Target DRIVE is 7
>>> Check partation Sector
>>> boot status        0x80
>>> start head         0x05
>>> start sec/cyl    0x0004
>>> partation type     0x06
>>> last head          0x0F
>>> last sec/cyl     0xB7E0
>>> abs sector   0x00000810
>>> ttl sector   0x000767F0
>>> signature        0xAA55
>>> Check BPB Sector
>>> signature        AA55
>>> Check free reserved sector:OK
>>> Write ABS Sector 0x10 to 0x1E7
>>> Are You Sure ?[Y]

Type 'y'.

>>> y

and you should see

>>> Write MS BOOT CODE

That means that you now have a "magic" memory stick.

You're all set!

To unbrick a bricked PSP (this part's a lot easier, I promise):

1. With a working PSP or memory stick reader, copy the firmware 1.50 update file into the root of the "magic" memory stick, namd UPDATE.PBP, just like in step 15 above.
2. Insert the "magic" memory stick.
3. Insert the unbricker battery. Your wifi, memory stick, and power lights should all turn on temporarily, and a menu should appear.
4. Press X. After it checks the update file, you should get another menu.
5. Press X to write Firmware 1.50 onto the PSP.

That's it... just let it work!

Deci ca sa inteleg nu am nevoie doar de un mem stick de 250 ????? 
Pls am nevoie de un raspuns ty ty ty

)) sa nu rad ....e aceasi chestie d mai sus ...sper ca stii sa citesti si plus asta e in engleza  OMFG
si iti trebuie card minim d 1 giga
memory cardurile compatibile sunt :

Sony 2GB Memory Stick Pro Duo High Speed
Sony 1GB Memory Stick Pro Duo
Sony 512MB Memory Stick Pro Duo
Sony 256MB Memory Stick Pro Duo
ALL SONY's MS w/ tag Pro Duo

Blue Lexar 2GB Memory Stick Pro Duo
Black Lexar 1GB Memory Stick Pro Duo
ALL LEXAR's MS w/ tag Pro Duo

SanDisk 4GB Memory Stick Pro Duo
SanDisk 1GB Memory Stick Pro Duo
SanDisk 512MB Memory Stick Pro Duo
ALL SANDISK's MS w/ tag Pro Duo

nu sunt bune:

Sony 2GB Memory Stick Pro Duo High Speed
ALL FAKES MS w/ tag Pro Duo

si o baterie .... JUST READ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Modificat de Jun1or4u (acum 17 ani)

d(^_-)b A Day Without Music Is A Lost Day

pus acum 17 ani
Membru Puf

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Ty pt raspuns-ul foatre promt dar exact dumneata ai scris ca " 2. un PSP cu 1.5 oficial sau orice custom firmware (eu am folosit pe 3.52 M33-3) " O_o de chestia aia ziceam eu

pus acum 17 ani
Membru Junior

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
eu am folosit`o de 2 ori deja .....incearca sa formatezi cardu din windows urma il formatezi la nivel logig cu comanda mspformat .......dupa creezi pe stick directorul "PSP" iar in el "GAME".
In Game copiezi ce se gaseste in directoarele "installer" si "battery" din utilitar dupa care pornesti Pandora Firmwere installer "instalare de firmware."....trebuie sa ai versiune custom d PSP ca sa iti mearga ......

cum adica versiunea custom  ?

pus acum 17 ani
Membru Junior

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Knd dau start la PANDROA FIRMEWERE installer ... imi zice "The game could not be started (8002014C)" numai shtiu ce sa fac (

pus acum 17 ani
Membru Puf

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani

BeF-star a scris:

Knd dau start la PANDROA FIRMEWERE installer ... imi zice "The game could not be started (8002014C)" numai shtiu ce sa fac (

pai versiune custom d PSP ...1.5 sau orice versiune d M33 ,OE.... tuh ce versiune ai ?
daca ai versiunea originala de la sony nu poti sa faci pandora it itrebuie pe un alt psp cu versiune custom .....8002014C iti da ca nu ai pus in folderu game150 .....sau game incearca una din doua ......iar in recovery sa ai pus 1.5 kernel ... cum ajungi acolo!? tii R apasat knd deskizi PSP`u .....

d(^_-)b A Day Without Music Is A Lost Day

pus acum 17 ani

Din: galati
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
poate sa-mi explice si mie cineva pe larg cum trebuie sa procedez pentru a-mi putea restaura bateria la starea originala dupa downgrade???Am inteles ca se poate dar nu am nici cea mai vaga idee cum...

Drive hard, party harder

M33 is for the PSP what AMG is for Mercedes-Benz

pus acum 17 ani
Membru Junior

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Pai Am 3.50... dasta vreau sa fac downgrade...

pus acum 17 ani
Membru Junior

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
deci am versiune .. oficiala cum fac altfel downgrade (?

pus acum 17 ani
Membru Puf

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani

BeF-star a scris:

Pai Am 3.50... dasta vreau sa fac downgrade...

pai nu poti nu intelegi ... ca sa faci kitu pandora trebuie sa ai versiunea 1.50 sau versiuen custom m33 oe...etc... daca ai un prieten sau stiu eu ...

d(^_-)b A Day Without Music Is A Lost Day

pus acum 17 ani
Membru Junior

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
faza cu Lumines mai merge?... si de unde asi putea face rost de 1

pus acum 17 ani
Membru Puf

Inregistrat: acum 17 ani

BeF-star a scris:

faza cu Lumines mai merge?... si de unde asi putea face rost de 1

da mai merge pai cauti pe net nu stiu ...... dupa ce ai facut rost d el aici ai procedura ...

d(^_-)b A Day Without Music Is A Lost Day

pus acum 17 ani
Pagini: 1  

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