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Michelangelo Antonioni (1912-2007) O veste foarta trista. Marele regizor Michelangelo Antonioni a incetat din viata pe data de 30 julie 2007.
IMDB: Michelangelo Antonioni, the Italian film director whose modernist style created such haunting, enigmatic films as L'Avventura and Blow Up, died Monday at his home in Italy; he was 94. Antonioni had suffered a debilitating stroke in 1985 which gave him limited speech capabilities and curtailed his directing abilities, though he continued to work, most notably on 1995's Beyond the Clouds, after his stroke. Born in Ferrara, Italy, Antonioni graduated from the University of Bologna with a degree in economics but went to work for a local newspaper as a film writer and critic. Moving to Rome during World War II, he collaborated with Roberto Rossellini on A Pilot Returns and began making short documentaries. His first full-length film, Story of a Love Affair, was released in 1950, and he found his breakthrough with 1957's The Outcry, where he met actress Monica Vitti, who would go on to star in his famed film trilogy of emotional alienation: L'Avventura, La Notte, and L'Eclisse, released from 1960-1962. With these austere black-and-white films, seductive and amazing to some and puzzling and mysterious to others (L'Avventura and L'Eclisse both won the Jury prizes at Cannes), Antonioni established himself as one of the premier international filmmakers of the time, alongside fellow countryman Federico Fellini and other emerging directors of the 60s such as Roman Polanski and Ingmar Bergman; he was considered such a fixture of the time that he was even mentioned in lyrics (alongside Fellini and Polanski) in the seminal musical of the 60s, Hair.
In 1966, Antonioni found box office as well as critical success with Blow Up, the story of a London photographer (David Hemmings) who believes he may have accidentally captured a murder on film. The quintessential portait of the swinging 60s, the film featured a luminous Vanessa Redgrave and, most notoriously, an imaginary, silent tennis game played between two sets of white-faced mimes. While some shrugged, others continued to celebrate his success, and Antonioni received two Academy Award nominations for writing and directing Blow Up. That film was followed by the notorious flop Zabriskie Point, an existentialist rumination in Death Valley featuring amateur actors, but Antonioni then rebounded with The Passenger, starring Jack Nicholson as a journalist researching a documentary in the Sahara, now considered one of his best films. Antonioni made only a handful of films following The Passenger, and worked only in a limited fashion after his stroke, though he surprised critics and audiences with 1995's Beyond the Clouds, which producers would only back with the stipulation that director Wim Wenders follow the filming in case Antonioni faltered. Though he was only able to speak a few words, the director was able to communicate effectively with his crew and actors; the same year Beyond the Clouds was released, he received an honorary Academy Award for lifetime achievement. Antonioni is survived by his wife, Enrica, whom he married in 1986. --Mark Englehart, IMDb staff (Internet)
Filme scurt metraj:
1947 Gento del Po 1948 N.U. - Nettezza Urbana 1949 L'Amorosa Menzogna 1949 Superstizione - Non Ci Credo! 1949 Sette Cann, Un Vestito 1950 La Funivia del Faloria 1950 La Villa dei Mostri 1953 Tentato Suicido 1965 Il Provino - Episode of I Ttre Volti 1978 Ritorno A Lisca Bianca 1984 Fotoromanza 1989 Kumbha Mela 1990 Roma 1992 Noto, Mandorli, Vulcano, Stromboli, Carnevale 2004 Lo Sguardo di Michelangelo
Filme lung metraj:
1950 Cronaca di un Amore 1952 I Vinti 1953 La Signora Senza Camelie 1955 Le Amiche 1957 Il Grido 1960 L'Avventura 1961 La Notte 1962 L'Eclisee 1964 Il Deserto Rosso 1966 Blow Up 1969 Zabriskie Point 1972 Chung Kuo Cina 1975 Professione: Reporter 1980 Il Mistero di Oberwald 1982 Identificazione di una Donna 1995 Al di la Delle Nuvole 2001 Il Filo pericoloso delle cose
_______________________________________ Filme Romanesti facute format DVD de bibescu
#01 - Nunta de piatra (1972) #02 - Independenta Romaniei (1912) #04 - Sarutul (1965) #05 - Un film cu o fata fermecatoare (1966) #06 - Acordati circumstante atenuante? (1984) #07 - Mireasa din tren (1980) #08 - Secretul cifrului (1959) La filmele romanesti avem CATALOG. Se admite doar un topic pe film.