O nou versiune de Firmaware ce permite rularea de jocuri piaratate in format ISO si CSO !!!
Aceasta versiune aduce multe inbunatatiri !!!
Este tot o combinatie dintre 1.50 si 3.51 !!!
Ce mai noua inbunatatire fata de 3.40 OE-A este ca nu mai face probleme la rularea jocurilor NO-UMD, adica acuma vor merge apsolut toate jocurile fara UMD in Consola !!!
Modificat de bubu64 (acum 17 ani)
pus acum 17 ani
Membru Senior
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Pentru cei care au [1.50] si vor sa ajunga la [3.51 M33]:
A. 1. Descarca acest fisier: 2. Dezarhiveazal si copye Folderul PSP direct pe card 3. Intra in aplicatia [KXploit Permanent Patcher]
B. 1. Descarca acest fisier: 2. Dezarhiveazal si copye Folderul PSP direct pe card 3. Intra in aplicatia [3.51 M33UPDATE] 4. Apasa [x] 5. Asteapta pna se termina de incarcat 6. Apasa [x] pt ase restarta PSP-ul
Update pt [NO-UMD] si [Wlan] 1. Descarca acest fisier: 2. Dezarhiveazal si copye Folderul PSP direct pe card 3. Intra in aplicatia [M33 Update] - o imagine cu cronometru 4. Intra in aplicatia [M33 Update] - o imagine cu calendar
Atentie: 1. Bateria trebie sa fie incarcata Minim 75% !!! 2. Nu deconectati PSP-ul de la curent pe perioada cat faceti Downgrade !!!
Modificat de bubu64 (acum 17 ani)
pus acum 17 ani
Membru Senior
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Pentru cei care au [3.40 OE-A] si vor sa ajunga la [3.51 M33]:
Upgrade 3.51 M33 1. Descarca acest fisier: 2. Dezarhiveazal si copye Folderul PSP direct pe card 3. Intra in aplicatia [3.51 M33UPDATE] 4. Apasa [x] 5. Asteapta pna se termina de incarcat 6. Apasa [x] pt ase restarta PSP-ul
Update pt [NO-UMD] si [Wlan] 1. Descarca acest fisier: 2. Dezarhiveazal si copye Folderul PSP direct pe card 3. Intra in aplicatia [M33 Update] - o imagine cu cronometru 4. Intra in aplicatia [M33 Update] - o imagine cu calendar
Atentie: 1. Bateria trebie sa fie incarcata Minim 75% !!! 2. Nu deconectati PSP-ul de la curent pe perioada cat faceti Downgrade !!!
Modificat de bubu64 (acum 17 ani)
pus acum 17 ani
Membru Senior
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Update [1.50] to [3.51-M33]
Modificat de bubu64 (acum 17 ani)
pus acum 17 ani
Membru Senior
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Update [3.40 OE-A] to [3.51-M33]
Modificat de bubu64 (acum 17 ani)
pus acum 17 ani
Membru Puf
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
salut am mevoie de ajutir am un PSP care este vs System Software Version 2.28 si vreau sa fac ca sa miearga toate jocurile cum pot face asta cum pot sal uploadez softul ??? ce este scris mai sus nu am reusit va multumesc vreau sa fac sa miearga toate socurile pe ell ma avutati si pe mine va multumesc
pus acum 17 ani
Membru Senior
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
nook1y a scris:
salut am mevoie de ajutir am un PSP care este vs System Software Version 2.28 si vreau sa fac ca sa miearga toate jocurile cum pot face asta cum pot sal uploadez softul ??? ce este scris mai sus nu am reusit va multumesc vreau sa fac sa miearga toate socurile pe ell ma avutati si pe mine va multumesc
Uitate mai bine !!!
Nu cred ca exista 2.28 !!!
Poate 2.82 !!!!
1.Daca ai 2.82 fa mai intai Downgrade:
2.Apoi fa Upgrade: A. 1. Descarca acest fisier: 2. Dezarhiveazal si copye Folderul PSP direct pe card 3. Intra in aplicatia [KXploit Permanent Patcher]
B. 1. Descarca acest fisier: 2. Dezarhiveazal si copye Folderul PSP direct pe card 3. Intra in aplicatia [3.51 M33UPDATE] 4. Apasa [x] 5. Asteapta pna se termina de incarcat 6. Apasa [x] pt ase restarta PSP-ul
Update pt [NO-UMD] si [Wlan] 1. Descarca acest fisier: 2. Dezarhiveazal si copye Folderul PSP direct pe card 3. Intra in aplicatia [M33 Update] - o imagine cu cronometru 4. Intra in aplicatia [M33 Update] - o imagine cu calendar
Atentie: 1. Bateria trebie sa fie incarcata Minim 75% !!! 2. Nu deconectati PSP-ul de la curent pe perioada cat faceti Downgrade !!!
pus acum 17 ani
Membru Puf Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Hi, I got a PSP with 2.71 Firmware. Now I have download the 2.71 Dowgrader. What I must do now to got the 3.51 M33 Firmware. Sorry I don´t understand your Language. Greetings chef
pus acum 17 ani
Membru Puf
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
daca am 3.10 OE cum ajung la 3.51 M33 ?
am incercat sa urmez pasii si nu mi-a mers niciuna din aplicatiile alea
pus acum 17 ani
Membru Puf
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
pus acum 17 ani
Membru Puf
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
cum fak si yo sa-mi merga jocurile k am incercat cu 3.51 M33 si cand intru se blokeaza
pus acum 17 ani
Membru Senior
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
lupu25 a scris:
daca am 3.10 OE cum ajung la 3.51 M33 ?
am incercat sa urmez pasii si nu mi-a mers niciuna din aplicatiile alea
Mai simnplu de atata nu stiu daca se poate !!!
SA fac eu operatiile in locu vostru ?
DAca nu te pricepi apeleaza la cineva care se pricepe !!!
Apicatiile merg perfect !!!
pus acum 17 ani
Membru Senior
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
chef a scris:
Hi, I got a PSP with 2.71 Firmware. Now I have download the 2.71 Dowgrader. What I must do now to got the 3.51 M33 Firmware. Sorry I don´t understand your Language. Greetings chef
OK Man !!!
I don't now English !!!
But will help you !!!
Downgrader For PSP 2.71 Firmware r1 FULL by Dark_AleX
UPDATE: Fixed a bug that would cause premature damage if the hack to force the unassign and reassign of the flash failed. This will fix the problem of broken PSPs when the screen has been red only for a moment.
This is the FULL version, which includes the required DOWNDATER folder and related files. Just copy the files/folders in this package to the root of your memory stick. Delete all your other photos before. Now go to the photo menu, and it will freeze and do the downgrader... wait till it completes.
This software is free, unlicensed and comes with no warranty. Despite it has been tested and it has worked, a program that rewrites a big part of the flash (flash0) is always dangerous. You are the only responsable of whatever happens to your psp using this unlicensed program.
This program requires that someone with a 1.50 runs a little program and send you the output so you can init the downdate process. (by legal reasons i cannot provide those files directly, that's why this is needed).
The 1.50 program is TOTALLY safe, it only dumps the flash of a 1.50 user and it also extracts some special prx's found in the 1.50 updater.
The downdater directory outputted is exactly the same than the created by the 2.60/2.50 downdater.
IMPORTANT NOTE: TA-082 users, this doesn't work on these psp's. DO NOT RUN IT.
Instruction for the 1.50 user -----------------------------
1) Copy the folders downhelper and downhelper% from the folder 1.50 HELPER folder to /PSP/GAME/ in your memstick.
2) Obtain the 1.50 updater EBOOT file (Google) and put it in /PSP/GAME/UPDATE in your memstick.
3) Init the downhelper program. It will dump your flash and some files from the updater eboot to the memstick.
4) After that, the program will exit. You can now delete the updater from /PSP/GAME/UPDATE
5) You'll notice that you have a new folder in the root of your memstick called "DOWNDATER". That's the folder you'll have to send to a 2.71 to let him use the downdater.
Instructions for the 2.71 user -------------------------------
1) Copy the files inside MS_ROOT to the root of your memory stick.
2) Wait someone with 1.50 to pass you a folder called DOWNDATER and copy it to the root of your memstick.
3) It is recomended that you have the psp at more than 50% battery and connected to AC
4) Go to the xmb photo viewer.
At this point will one of the following things:
a) You'll see a full red screen. This indicates that the downdater is doing its job. Wait for it to finish. When it finish it will crash on purpose. Restart your psp manually and you'll probably have a 1.50 if nothing went wrong.
b) You don't see the red screen. This indicates that the downdater code has not started to execute. (even if the memstick blinks (or no), it doesn't matter! if the screen is not red, you can safely restart the psp at this point).
This happen because of inestability in the tiff. Don't worry, just restart the psp and keep trying until you reach the red screen of downdate. The downdater code is NEVER executed partially. It's either executed totally or nothing.
It depends of "luck" but usually the downdater will start to execute in a average of 1/10 times. Things that may increase the probabilities:
- A fresh formatted memory stick. - A 32 MB memory stick (and fresh formatted)
Many thanks to:
- Person that found and exploited the tif bug: Nopx86
- hitchhikr for finding the kernel exploit.
pus acum 17 ani
Membru Puf
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
ce trebuie sa fac ca sa joc jocurile dupa ce am versiunea 3.51 M33?ajutatima pls nu prea stiu ce tre sa fac
pus acum 17 ani
Membru Puf
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
gata am rezolvat ms mult pt explicatiile de downgrade si apoi upgrade dupa upgrade nu trebuia sa fac nimic ms mult miati fost de mare ajutor si mati scutit de milioane de lei cheltuite pe jocuri
pus acum 17 ani
Membru Puf
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
va rog io zicetim cum pot sa fac sa mearga jocuri daka am 3.32 ?
pus acum 17 ani
Membru Puf Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
please help . deci am firmware 3.40 (just that) . imi poti da si mie un raspuns adica niste pasi care trebuie sa fie urmati mai exact .
multumesc anticipat.
pus acum 17 ani
Membru Senior Din: outside the wall
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
mii de multumiti pt ajutor!
2x psp (2.71 si 2.81) duse cu succes la 3.51 M33
_______________________________________ Eviltwin™
pus acum 17 ani
Membru Puf
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Ai pus un post cu Update [1.50] to [3.51-M33], care este gol si mai jos unul cu Update [3.40 OE-A] to [3.51-M33], ce are atasat filmuletul. Poti atasa un filmulet si pentru prima varianta, please... 10x
pus acum 17 ani
Membru Puf
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
am versiunde 2.81 nu stiu cum sa`l aduc la 3.51 M33 help me pls